KatAPI is an API that allows the automated retrieval of data from the project in json or xml-tei. It functions as a complete search engine that parses the user's query parameters, retrieves the proper data from the project's databases and sends it back to the user. The API allows to revtrieve catalogue entries by author, sale date and creation date of the manuscript; it also allows to retrieve a complete catalogue, or statistics on one or several catalogues, based on the catalogue type, its identifier or the date of the sale it presents. Finally, it creates custom error messages in json or tei if an error occurs.The API allows, for example, to retrieve the description of all manuscripts of the Marquise de Sévigné written between 1650 and 1690 and sold between 1880 and 1900 in a complete and valid TEI format.

The API follows the REST principles where possible, especially by using a stateless architecture with a uniform interface and self descriptives responses.

Quick start

The endpoint for the API is https://katabase.huma-num.fr/katapi?. The arguments provided by the client are added after this endpoint; the application will process those arguments and send back a response in the requested format ( json or xml-tei, the default being json). If there is an error on the client side (unauthorized parameters or values) or on the server side (unexpected error), a response will be issued in json or xml-tei (depending on the client's request) describing the query parameters, the time of the query and the error that occured.

The search for a name is case- and accents-insensitive.

Try it out !

To try out the KatAPI, just write a JSON-type string in the text box and click Search. As a reminder, a JSON string is contained within curly brackets ({}) and is a series of comma-separated "key": "value" couples. Each key or value must be enclosed within double or single quotes ("", '')! A request can take several seconds to be processed, be patient!

        Awaiting for a request...

Methods and parameters

HTTP methods

The only authorized HTTP method is GET.

Allowed parameters

The possible parameters are:

Responses and return formats

HTTP status codes and response mimetypes

HTTP status codes describe a client-server interaction and the response issued by the server. For example, if all went well, the status code will be contained in the 200-299 range; a 404 status code indicates that the resource requested by the client does not exist. As such, they can help a client programme determine the kind of response received: is it an error; if so, what kind of error happened? Three HTTP status codes have been defined for the response objects returned by the KatAPI. These depend on the user's input and on the server's response. They are present in the HTTP headers, but also in the response body's header (see below).

Because we belive in the powers of communication and that an informative response is better than a lack no response at all, complete error logs are provided when an error occurs (be it a client-related or server-related error). The error log is issued in xml-tei or json, depending on the format requested by the user. If the error is on the user's end (422 status code), it contains a description of what they did wrong.

WARNING: this means that, if you wrote a script to retrieve data from the API, you need to check the status code (present in the HTTP headers, but also in the response itself): since the response is always a syntaxically valid json or xml-tei file, your script will probably not throw an error. In turn, you must explicitly ask for the script to read the status code, either in the HTTP header or in the response body. The upside is that will always have a descriptive response from the server.

Return formats in general

The defining parameter for the API is the level: this parameter defines which other parameters can or cannot be used; it also determines the structure of the output format. Thus, the presentation of return formats below follows the different values of level.

Every response is composed of HTTP headers and of response itself (a json or xml-tei file). This file is composed of a header, describing the query context and the response and of a body, containing the results themselves. If needed, an encoding description is added to the file's header to describe the project-specific vocabulary used in the response. Thus, the return format with all level is always roughly the same (although with level=cat_full, the body's header is much bigger.

In xml-tei, the header is enclosed in the teiHeader tag; in a json response, this header is mapped to the head key. This header contains descriptive information about the query: the requested parameters (and additional default parameters), the query date and the status code. In tei, this information is included inside the teiHeader//publicationStmt. If level=cat_full, they are in a note inside the publication statement; with other levels, the descriptive information about the query takes up the entire publication statement. The response's head also contains an encoding_desc which translates prefixes and project-specific vocabularies in a human-readable manner.This allows the response issued by the API to always be self-descriptive. The results in themselves are contained inside the body of a xml-tei response. In a json response, the results are mapped to the results key.

At cat_full level

In this case, a complete catalogue encoded in xml-tei will be returned. It is the same as any catalogue of the project, except that a tei:note has been added to the TEI//sourceDesc/publicationStmt in order to describe the context in which the file was retrieved: the query parameters, the date and time of the query and the HTTP status code of the response are added to the file. The response will look something like:

            <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0" xml:id="CAT_000300">
    <teiHeader xmlns:tei="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0" xmlns:s="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron">
                <title>Vente Noël Charavay, 26 mai 1905, collection Mazet</title>
                    <persName ref="#COL_000003">Ljudmila Petkovic</persName>
                        <date when="2020">2020</date>
                <publisher>Projet e-Ditiones, Université de Neuchâtel</publisher>
                <availability status="restricted">
                    <licence target="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0">Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)</licence>
                    <p>KatAPI query results. File created automatically by KatAPI, an API developped as part of the<ref target="https://katabase.huma-num.fr/">Manuscript SaleS Catalogues project</ref></p>
                    <p>Query run on<date when-iso="2022-08-24T16:41:52.101590">2022-08-24T16:41:52.101590</date></p>
                    <p>Query ran with HTTP status code:<ref target="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/200"/></p>
                    <p>The current file has been retrieved and updated as a response to the query:
                            <head>Query parameters</head>
                                <cell role="key" xml:id="id">id</cell>
                                <cell role="key" xml:id="output_format">format</cell>
                                <cell role="key" xml:id="level">level</cell>
                                <cell role="value" corresp="id">CAT_000300</cell>
                                <cell role="value" corresp="format">tei</cell>
                                <cell role="value" corresp="level">cat_full</cell>
                <bibl ana="AUC">
                    <editor>Noël Charavay</editor>
                    <publisher>Noël Charavay</publisher>
                    <date when="1905">1905</date>
                                <addrLine>Paris, hôtel des Commissaires-priseurs, rue Drouot, salle nº 8</addrLine>
                            <persName type="auctioneer">Maurice Delestre</persName>
                            <persName type="expert">Noël Charavay</persName>
                            <date when="1905-05-26">26 mai 1905</date>
                                <institution>Bibliothèque nationale de France</institution>
                                <idno type="shelfmark">CV-11673</idno>
                        <ptr target="http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb45023474z"/>
                <language ident="fr">french</language>
                <p>This electronic version of the catalog only reproduces the entries that correspond to documents for sale. All text preceding or succeeding the list of documents for sale is not reproduced below.</p>
                <prefixDef ident="wd" matchPattern="(Q[0-9]+)" replacementPattern="https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/$1">
                    <p>In the <gi>body</gi>, the <att>ref</att> attributes 
                        containted in <gi>name</gi> elements are pointing to to a
                        <ref target="https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/">Wikidata</ref> 
                        identifier by using the <code>wd:</code> prefix. This <gi>prefixDef</gi>
                        allows to rebuilt the complete URL from a wikidata identifier by 
                        replacing the <code>wd:</code> prefix with:
                <taxonomy xml:id="format">
                    <desc>Document format</desc>
                    <category xml:id="document_format_1">
                    <category xml:id="document_format_2">
                    <category xml:id="document_format_3">
                    <category xml:id="document_format_4">
                    <category xml:id="document_format_8">
                    <category xml:id="document_format_12">
                    <category xml:id="document_format_16">
                    <category xml:id="document_format_18">
                    <category xml:id="document_format_32">
                    <category xml:id="document_format_40">
                    <category xml:id="document_format_48">
                    <category xml:id="document_format_64">
                    <category xml:id="document_format_101">
                        <catDesc>In-folio oblong</catDesc>
                    <category xml:id="document_format_102">
                        <catDesc>In-2° oblong</catDesc>
                    <category xml:id="document_format_103">
                        <catDesc>In-3° oblong</catDesc>
                    <category xml:id="document_format_104">
                        <catDesc>In-quarto oblong</catDesc>
                    <category xml:id="document_format_108">
                        <catDesc>In-octavo oblong</catDesc>
                    <category xml:id="document_format_112">
                        <catDesc>In-12 oblong</catDesc>
                    <category xml:id="document_format_116">
                        <catDesc>In-16 oblong</catDesc>
                    <category xml:id="document_format_118">
                        <catDesc>In-18 oblong</catDesc>
                    <category xml:id="document_format_132">
                        <catDesc>In-32 oblong</catDesc>
                    <category xml:id="document_format_140">
                        <catDesc>In-40 oblong</catDesc>
                    <category xml:id="document_format_148">
                        <catDesc>In-48 oblong</catDesc>
                    <category xml:id="document_format_164">
                        <catDesc>In-64 oblong</catDesc>
                <taxonomy xml:id="document_type">
                    <desc>Document type</desc>
                    <category xml:id="document_type_1">
                        <catDesc>Apostille autographe signée</catDesc>
                    <category xml:id="document_type_2">
                        <catDesc>Pièce autographe signée</catDesc>
                    <category xml:id="document_type_3">
                        <catDesc>Pièce autographe</catDesc>
                    <category xml:id="document_type_4">
                        <catDesc>Pièce signée</catDesc>
                    <category xml:id="document_type_5">
                        <catDesc>Billet autographe signé</catDesc>
                    <category xml:id="document_type_6">
                        <catDesc>Billet signé</catDesc>
                    <category xml:id="document_type_7">
                        <catDesc>Lettre autographe signée</catDesc>
                    <category xml:id="document_type_8">
                        <catDesc>Lettre autographe</catDesc>
                    <category xml:id="document_type_9">
                        <catDesc>Lettre signée</catDesc>
                    <category xml:id="document_type_10">
                        <catDesc>Brevet signé</catDesc>
                    <category xml:id="document_type_11">
                        <catDesc>Quittance autographe signée</catDesc>
                    <category xml:id="document_type_12">
                        <catDesc>Quittance signée</catDesc>
                    <category xml:id="document_type_13">
                        <catDesc>Manuscrit autographe</catDesc>
                    <category xml:id="document_type_14">
                        <catDesc>Chanson autographe</catDesc>
                    <category xml:id="document_type_15">
                        <catDesc>Document (?) Autographe signé</catDesc>
                <application version="1.11" ident="Transkribus" when="2020">
                    <ptr target="https://transkribus.eu/Transkribus/"/>
                <application version="0.5.4" ident="GROBID" when="2020">
                    <label>GROBID_Dictionaries - A machine learning software for structuring digitized dictionaries</label>
                    <ptr target="https://github.com/MedKhem/grobid-dictionaries"/>
                <item n="1" xml:id="CAT_000300_e1">
                    <num type="lot">1</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q161806">ACADÉMIE FRANÇAISE.</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e1_d1">48 dossiers.</desc>
                    <note>J. Janin, Labiche, Lacordaire, Lally-Tolendal, Laprade, Leconte de Lisle, Legouvé, J. Lemaitre, Littré, L. Halévy, H. Houssaye, Ponsard, Rousset, Chateaubriand, Coppée, Cousin, Du Camp, CuvillierFleury, Dufaure, etc</note>
                <item n="2" xml:id="CAT_000300_e2">
                    <num type="lot">2</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q161806">ACADÉMIE FRANÇAISE.</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e2_d1">64 dossiers.</desc>
                    <note>Sainte-Beuve, Sandeau, Sardou, A. Dumas, O. Feuillet, Fontanes, Guizot, H. Martin, Meilhac, Mérimée, Ollivier, Pailleron, Mgr Perraud, E. Augier, A. Barbier, etc.</note>
                <item n="3" xml:id="CAT_000300_e3">
                    <num type="lot">3</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q94296669">ACADÉMIE DE MÉDECINE.</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e3_d1">32 dossiers.</desc>
                    <note>Galezowski, Labbé, Laborde, Piorry, Ricord, G. Sée, Trousseau, etc</note>
                <item n="4" xml:id="CAT_000300_e4">
                    <num type="lot">4</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q337531">ACADÉMIE DES BEAUX-ARTS (Musiciens)</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e4_d1">13 dossiers</desc>
                    <note>A. Adam, Auber, Bazin, Berlioz, Cherubini, F. David, L. Delibes, Th. Dubois, Gounod, F Halévy, Paër Reber, Reyer, A. Thomas.</note>
                <item n="5" xml:id="CAT_000300_e5">
                    <num type="lot">5</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q59872718">ACADÉMIE DES BEAUX-ARTS (Peintres)</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e5_d1">39 dossiers.</desc>
                    <note>Dagnan-Bouveret, Detaille, Français, Gérôme, Hébert, Henner, Ingres, J.-P. Laurens, Meissonier, Schnetz, H. Vernet, Baudry, Bonnat, Bouguereau Cabanel. Benjamin Constant.</note>
                <item n="6" xml:id="CAT_000300_e6">
                    <num type="lot">6</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q337543">ACADÉMIE DES SCIENCES MORALES ET POLITIQUES.</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e6_d1">114 dossiers.</desc>
                    <note>De Parieu, d'Agout, H. Carnot, Daru, Paul Rémusat Michelet, A. Thierry. Zeller, Mignet, H. Maret, Bersot B. Saint-Hilaire, Vacherot, Blanqui, M. Chevalier, etc.</note>
                <item n="7" xml:id="CAT_000300_e7">
                    <num type="lot">7</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q2823761">ACTRICES.</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e7_d1">57 dossiers.</desc>
                    <note>Minette, Réjane, Rousseil, H. Schneider, Sisos Tessandier, Segond-Weber, George, Agar, etc.</note>
                <item n="8" xml:id="CAT_000300_e8">
                    <num type="lot">8</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q337526">ACADÉMIE DES INSCRIPTIONS ET BELLES-LETTRES.</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e8_d1">101 dossiers.</desc>
                    <note>Mariette, Millin, Mohl, Mollevaut, Oppert, Pougens, Rémusat, prince de Talleyrand, Nisard, marquis de Vogné, Beugnot, L. Delisle, Egger, etc</note>
                <item n="9" xml:id="CAT_000300_e9">
                    <num type="lot">9</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q2823761">ACTRICES</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e9_d1">44 dossiers</desc>
                    <note>C. Chaumont, Déjazet, Desclauzas, Devoyod, E. Doche, A. Fargueil, B. Fayolle, Judic, S. Lagier, Kolb, L. Leblanc, etc</note>
                <item n="10" xml:id="CAT_000300_e10">
                    <num type="lot">10</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q107820146">ARCHITECTES</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e10_d1">117 dossiers</desc>
                    <note>Hittorf, Lefuel, Nénot, Percier, Vaudremer, Vaudoyer, Visconti, Davioud, Viollet-le-Duc, Baltard, Caristie, etc.</note>
                <item n="11" xml:id="CAT_000300_e11">
                    <num type="lot">11</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q78099469">ARTISTES DRAMATIQUES.</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e11_d1">90 dossiers.</desc>
                    <note>Lhéritier, Mélingue, H. Monnier, P. Ménier, Arnal, Perlet, Ravel, Saint-Germain, Bocage, Berthelier, Bouffé, Brasseur.</note>
                <item n="12" xml:id="CAT_000300_e12">
                    <num type="lot">12</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q78099469">ARTISTES DRAMATIQUES</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e12_d1">49 dossiers</desc>
                    <note>Dailly, Daubray, Dumaine, José Dupuis, Galipaux, Geoffroy, G. Pérès, Laferrière, A. Lambert père, Lassouche, F. Lemaître, etc.</note>
                <item n="13" xml:id="CAT_000300_e13">
                    <num type="lot">13</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q25997511">ASSEMBLÉES CONSTITUANTE ET LÉGISLATIVE (1848-1851).</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e13_d1">190 dossiers.</desc>
                    <note>Barbès, A. Baudin, Boulay de la Meurthe, Caussidière, Freslon, Goudchaux, G.-W. Lafayette, Lanjuinais, La Rochejaquelein, Mazuline, etc.</note>
                <item n="14" xml:id="CAT_000300_e14">
                    <num type="lot">14</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q2945525">AUTEURS DRAMATIQUES.</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e14_d1">65 dossiers.</desc>
                    <note>Lockroy, Maquet, Melesville, P. Meurice, D. Aicard, A. Bourgeois, Bayard, J. Barbier, Th. Barrière, A. Belot, Bocage, Saintine, L. Bouilhet, W. Busnach, Carmouche.</note>
                <item n="15" xml:id="CAT_000300_e15">
                    <num type="lot">15</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q2945525">AUTEURS DRAMATIQUES.</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e15_d1">77 dossiers.</desc>
                    <note>G. Ohnet, Plouvier, Porto-Riche, Richepin, Uchard Villiers de l'Isle-Adam, Delpit, Dugué, d'Ennery, P. Féval, Gondinet, etc</note>
                <item n="16" xml:id="CAT_000300_e16">
                    <num type="lot">16</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q106864227">AVOCATS ET JURISCONSULTES.</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e16_d1">55 dossiers.</desc>
                    <note>Devienne, Allou, Barboux, Berryer, Cléry, Chaix d'Est-Ange, Daguesseau, Decori, Paillet, etc.</note>
                <item n="17" xml:id="CAT_000300_e17">
                    <num type="lot">17</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q9711">BALZAC (Honoré de)</name>
                        <p>le grand romancier, n. 1799, m. 1850.</p>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e17_d1">
                        <term ana="#document_type_7">L. a. s.</term> de Bc. à M. Souverain, <measure type="length" unit="p" n="0.5">1/2 p.</measure>
                        <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_8">in-8</measure>
                    <note>Intéressante lettre où il exprime son désir de voir paraître la Marâtre (?)</note>
                <item n="18" xml:id="CAT_000300_e18">
                    <num type="lot">18</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q677193">BARBÈS (Armand)</name>
                        <p>le fameux révolutionnaire, n. 1809. m. 1870.</p>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e18_d1">2 <term ana="#document_type_7">l. a. s.</term>, dont une incomplète du commencement; La Haye, <date when="1867-11-13">13 novembre 1867</date>, <measure type="length" unit="p" n="4">4 p.</measure>
                        <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_8">in-8</measure>, et 2 p. in-8 pour la lettre incomplète</desc>
                    <note>Très belle lettre datée de La Haye. Barbés exprime sa douleur d'apprendre la victoire remportée par les chassepots français sur Garibaldi. « Quel crime ajouté aux autres crimes! Et quelle honte pour nos soldats ! J'en ai pleuré de rage pour nos armes, car vous le savez, je suis avant tout très patriote. L'expiation arrivera-t-elle bientôt?».</note>
                <item n="19" xml:id="CAT_000300_e19">
                    <num type="lot">19</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q4251815">BEAUMARCHAIS (Pierre-Augustin CARON de)</name>
                        <p>l'illustre auteur du Mariage de Figaro, n. 1732, m. 1799.</p>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e19_d1">
                        <term ana="#document_type_7">L. a. s.</term> au citoyen Bailleux; <date when="1798-11-07">17 brumaire an VII</date>, <measure type="length" unit="p" n="1">1 p.</measure>
                        <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_8">in-8.</measure> Jolie lettre</desc>
                <item n="20" xml:id="CAT_000300_e20">
                    <num type="lot">20</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q56158">BIZET (Georges)</name>
                        <p>célèbre compositeur de musique, auteur de Carmen, n. 1838, m. 1875.</p>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e20_d1">
                        <term ana="#document_type_7">L. a. s.</term> ; s. d., <measure type="length" unit="p" n="2">2 p.</measure>
                        <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_12">in-12.</measure> Rare</desc>
                    <note>Il se disculpe du reproche d'être ingrat et met sur le compte de la vie de lutte que les artistes ménent à Paris la rareté de ses visites.</note>
                <item n="21" xml:id="CAT_000300_e21">
                    <num type="lot">21</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q282043">BRETON (Jules)</name>
                        <p>le célèbre peintre.</p>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e21_d1">6 <term ana="#document_type_7">l. a. s.</term> à M. Martinet ; <date when="1861">1861-1886</date>, <measure type="length" unit="p" n="6">6 p.</measure>
                        <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_8">in-8</measure>
                    <note>Intéressantes lettres relatives à la vente de ses tableaux. On a joint des découpures de journaux concernant J. Breton ainsi que des reproductions de ses oeuvres.</note>
                <item n="22" xml:id="CAT_000300_e22">
                    <num type="lot">22</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q35109">CANTATRICES ET CHANTEUSES.</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e22_d1">63 dossiers.</desc>
                    <note>Y. Guilbert, Thérésa, Alboni, R. Bloch, Miolan-Carvalho, Damoreau-Cinti, C. Falcon, E. Garcia. J. Granier, Heilbronn, G. Krauss, R. Stolz, Théo, M. Ugalde, Mme Viardot, C. Patti, C. Pearl, etc.</note>
                <item n="23" xml:id="CAT_000300_e23">
                    <num type="lot">23</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q106594750">CARNOT (Sadi)</name>
                        <p>célèbre homme d'État, que président de la République, n. 1837, assassiné en 1894.</p>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e23_d1">1° <term ana="#document_type_5">Billet a s.</term> (à M. N. Mazet), <measure type="length" unit="p" n="0.33">1/3 de p.</measure>
                        <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_8">in-8.</measure>
                    <note>Billet écrit, à l'âge de treize ans, pour envoyer un autographe de son père. Une note du collectionneur détaille les circonstances curieuses de ce don.</note>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e23_d2">2° <term ana="#document_type_7">L. a. s.</term> Paris, <date when="1878-10-15">15 octobre 1878</date>, <measure type="length" unit="p" n="1">1 p.</measure>
                        <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_8">in-8</measure>
                    <note>On a joint des découpures de journaux, des caricatures et des photographies concernant le président Carnot.</note>
                <item n="24" xml:id="CAT_000300_e24">
                    <num type="lot">24</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q3496656">CHAMPEIN (Stanislas)</name>
                        <p>compositeur de musique, auteur de la Mélomanie, n. 1753, m. 1830.</p>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e24_d1">1° Minute aut. d'une <term ana="#document_type_8">lettre au</term> directeur Gohier; <date when="1799-07-25">7 thermidor an VII</date>, <measure type="length" unit="p" n="1">1 p.</measure>
                        <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_4">in-4</measure>
                    <note>Intéressante lettre où il lui recommande Monsigny. « Lis, mon cher Gohier, lis la pétition de l'auteur de Rose et Colas, de la Belle Arsène, de Félix ou l'Enfant trouvé, du Déserteur et de tant d'autres ouvrages sublimes ! Donne un azile, mon ami, à un grand homme qui en a besoin ».</note>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e24_d2">2° <term ana="#document_type_7">L. a. s.</term>; <date when="1818-02-16">16 février 1818</date>, <measure type="length" unit="p" n="3">3 p.</measure>
                        <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_8">in-8.</measure>
                    <note>Affectueuse lettre à sa femme et à ses enfants.</note>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e24_d3">3° Mina, <term ana="#document_type_2">pièce aut. sig.</term> Ch., <measure type="length" unit="p" n="2">2 p.</measure>
                        <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_1">in-folio.</measure>
                    <note>Explication de son premier ouvrage donné à l'Opéra-Italien.</note>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e24_d4">4° <term ana="#document_type_7">L. a. s.</term> ; Paris, <date when="1813-03-03">3 mars 1813</date>, <measure type="length" unit="p" n="4">4 p.</measure>
                        <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_1">in-folio</measure>
                    <note>Intéressant document artistique. Champein lègue à sa famille ses travaux artistiques dont la nomenclature occupe 3 pages. On a joint diverses pièces aut., concernant l'oeuvre de Champein.</note>
                <item n="25" xml:id="CAT_000300_e25">
                    <num type="lot">25</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q1101625">CHANTEURS.</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e25_d1">50 dossiers.</desc>
                    <note>Melchissédec, Ponchard, Roger, Sellier, Talazac, Tamburini, Tasquin, les frères Lyonnet, Capoul, Duc, Duprez, Faure, Fugère, Lassalle.</note>
                <item n="26" xml:id="CAT_000300_e26">
                    <num type="lot">26</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q1347175">CHARLET (Nicolas-Toussaint)</name>
                        <p>célèbre dessinateur et lithographe, n. 1792, m. 1805.</p>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e26_d1">4 <term ana="#document_type_7">l. a. s.</term> à divers, <measure type="length" unit="p" n="3">3 p.</measure>
                        <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_8">in-8</measure> et 1 p. in-4</desc>
                    <note>Trois de ces lettres sont adressées à des amis et sont remplies d'expressions humoristiques et parsemées d'argot. Dans la 4me, il donne sa démission de commandant en premier du 2me bataillon de la 10e légion (5 avrit 1834).</note>
                <item n="27" xml:id="CAT_000300_e27">
                    <num type="lot">27</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q2978943">CLERGÉ</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e27_d1">85 dossiers</desc>
                    <note>Coeur, Dupanloup, Dupont des Loges, Ségur, abbé de Broglie, Coquereau, Deguerry, P. Félix, Lamennais, Lanusse, l'abbé Michon, etc.</note>
                <item n="28" xml:id="CAT_000300_e28">
                    <num type="lot">28</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q63314476">COMMUNE DE 1871.</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e28_d1">35 dossiers.</desc>
                    <note>Arnold, Assi, Eudes, Jourde, Ch. Lullier, F. Pyat, Razoua, Urbain, Vaillant, Varlin, etc. On a joint de très curieuses photographies d'hommes et de femmes ayant pris part à la Commune</note>
                <item n="29" xml:id="CAT_000300_e29">
                    <num type="lot">29</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q177826">CLERGÉS (catholique, protestant et israélite).</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e29_d1">58 dossiers.</desc>
                    <note>Le P. Hyacinthe, Affre, Bernis. Bonald, Bonnéchose, Donnet, Gousset, Grégoire XVI, Guibert, Lavigerie, Morlot, de Quelen, Zadoc-Kahn, Coquerel, etc.</note>
                <item n="30" xml:id="CAT_000300_e30">
                    <num type="lot">30</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q101110863">COMPOSITEURS DE MUSIQUE.</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e30_d1">59 dossiers.</desc>
                    <note>H. Maréchal, Missa, Niedermeyer, Offenbach, Panse- ron, Pessard, Pfeiffer, Pierné, Poise, Pugno, Rupès, Bérat, Boieldieu, Boisselot, Chabrier, etc</note>
                <item n="31" xml:id="CAT_000300_e31">
                    <num type="lot">31</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q101110863">COMPOSITEURS DE MUSIQUE.</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e31_d1">55 dossiers.</desc>
                    <note>Thomé, Weckerlin, Debussy, Diémer, Ganne, B. Godard, S. Heller, P. Hillemacher, A.Holmès, S. de Kontski, Th. Lack, etc.</note>
                <item n="32" xml:id="CAT_000300_e32">
                    <num type="lot">32</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q34618">COURBET (Gustave)</name>
                        <p>le célèbre peintre de paysages, n. 1819, m. 1877.</p>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e32_d1">
                        <term ana="#document_type_7">L. a. s.</term> à M. Martinet, <measure type="length" unit="p" n="1.33">1 p. 1/3</measure>
                        <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_8">in-8</measure>
                    <note>Il donne la description des oeuvres qu'il envoie à son exposition. On a joint des caricatures concernant Courbet.</note>
                <item n="33" xml:id="CAT_000300_e33">
                    <num type="lot">33</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q252357">DAUBIGNY (Charles)</name>
                        <p>le célèbre peintre de paysages, n. 1817, m. 1878.</p>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e33_d1">2 <term ana="#document_type_7">l. a. s.</term> à M. Martinet, <measure type="length" unit="p" n="2">2 p.</measure>
                        <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_8">in-8.</measure> Rare</desc>
                    <note>Lettres relatives à la vente de ses tableaux.</note>
                <item n="34" xml:id="CAT_000300_e34">
                    <num type="lot">34</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q52417493">DAUMIER (Honoré)</name>
                        <p>le grand caricaturiste, n. 1808, m. 1879.</p>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e34_d1">2 <term ana="#document_type_7">l. a. s.</term> ; 2 demi-pages <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_8">in-8.</measure> Très rare</desc>
                <item n="35" xml:id="CAT_000300_e35">
                    <num type="lot">35</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q33477">DELACROIX (Eugène)</name>
                        <p>le grand peintre, n. 1798. m. 1863.</p>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e35_d1">2 <term ana="#document_type_7">l. a. s.</term> ; <measure type="length" unit="p" n="2">2 p.</measure>
                        <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_8">in-8</measure>
                    <note>Dans l'une de ces lettres il parle d'un plafond, dans l'autre, il s'excuse de ne pouvoir exposer à Bruxelles.</note>
                <item n="36" xml:id="CAT_000300_e36">
                    <num type="lot">36</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q466834">DENFERT-ROCHEREAU (Aristide)</name>
                        <p>l'héroïque défenseur de Belfort, n. 1823, m. 1878.</p>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e36_d1">3 <term ana="#document_type_7">l. a. s.</term> ; Saint-Maixent, <date when="1871">1871-1873</date>, <measure type="length" unit="p" n="4">4 p.</measure>
                        <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_8">in-8</measure>
                    <note>Une de ces lettres est relative à son médaillon. On a joint des journaux, une caricature et une photographie.</note>
                <item n="37" xml:id="CAT_000300_e37">
                    <num type="lot">37</num>
                    <name type="author">DIVERS.</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e37_d1">160 pièces ou dossiers.</desc>
                    <note>M.-P. d'Argenson, Maurepas, Malesherbes, Sartine, Vergennes, Desbarolles, Grimod de la Reynière, Laffitte, Vidocq, R. Mauri, F. Cerrito, Debureau, Paul Legrand, etc.</note>
                <item n="38" xml:id="CAT_000300_e38">
                    <num type="lot">38</num>
                    <name type="author">DIVERS</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e38_d1">200 pièces ou dossiers</desc>
                    <note>Régnault de Saint Jean-d'Angély, E. d'Hervilly, Magu, La Rounat, V. Massé, G. de Pixérécourt, Haraucourt, Duban, Al. de Humboldt, Renan, etc.</note>
                <item n="39" xml:id="CAT_000300_e39">
                    <num type="lot">39</num>
                    <name type="author">DIVERS</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e39_d1">91 dossiers</desc>
                    <note>Duc de Broglie, Lamoignon de Basville, Trélat, Paul Albert, Ph. Chasles, E. Deschanel, F. Soulié, Larroumet, Beulé, Dusommerard, Ph. Gille, Haussmann, Walewski, etc.</note>
                <item n="40" xml:id="CAT_000300_e40">
                    <num type="lot">40</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q3184327">DUC (Joseph-Louis)</name>
                        <p>célèbre architecte, qui construisit la colonne de la Bastille et la façade du Palais de Justice, membre de l'Institut, n. 1802, m. 1879.</p>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e40_d1">20 <term ana="#document_type_7">l. a. s.</term> à M. Mazet; <date when="1866">1866-1867</date>, <measure type="length" unit="p" n="30">30 p.</measure>
                        <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_8">in-8</measure> environ</desc>
                    <note>Correspondance entièrement relative aux travaux du Palais de Justice.</note>
                <item n="41" xml:id="CAT_000300_e41">
                    <num type="lot">41</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q994181">ÉRUDITS, HISTORIENS ET CRITIQUES.</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e41_d1">151 dossiers</desc>
                    <note>Taschereau, Barante, Bouillet, V Duruy, Ben Fain, L. Larchey, Norvins, Quicherat, Ed. Quinet, G. Guizot, P. Leroux, J.-B. Say, Burly, Sarcey, etc.</note>
                <item n="42" xml:id="CAT_000300_e42">
                    <num type="lot">42</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q3786941">ETRANGERS</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e42_d1">200 dossiers</desc>
                    <note>Jomini, Larive, G. Donizetti, Eugène de Savoie, G. Garibaldi, M. Rattazzi, A. Ristori, Sivori, Henckel de Donnersmarck, prince Orloff, Pozzo di Borgo, Tourgueneff, lady Byron, Cameron, John Tyndall, Gould, vicomte de Païva, etc.</note>
                <item n="43" xml:id="CAT_000300_e43">
                    <num type="lot">43</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q112581">FAMILLE BONAPARTE</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e43_d1">21 dossiers</desc>
                    <note>Joseph, Jérôme, Lucien, Pierre Bonaparte, impératrice Eugénie, princesses Mathilde et Marie-Clotilde, comtesse de Montijo, comte Demidoff, Morny, etc.</note>
                <item n="44" xml:id="CAT_000300_e44">
                    <num type="lot">44</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q1538341">FAMILLE D'ORLÉANS.</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e44_d1">10 dossiers.</desc>
                    <note>L.-P. dus d'Orléans, comte de Paris, duc de Chartres, duc d'Aumale, duc de Nemours, etc.</note>
                <item n="45" xml:id="CAT_000300_e45">
                    <num type="lot">45</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q2924381">FEMMES AUTEURS</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e45_d1">69 dossiers</desc>
                    <note>Gyp, duchesse d'Abrantés, E. Mercoeur, comtesse Merlin, L. Michel, E. Niboyet, Séverine, duchesse de Broglie, A. Tastu, M. Waldor, Mme Adam, comtesse d'Agoult, V Ancelot, L. de Chabrillan, L. Colet, Mme H. Cornu, comtesse Dash, Mme Denis, etc.</note>
                <item n="46" xml:id="CAT_000300_e46">
                    <num type="lot">46</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q5547856">FEMMES CÉLÈBRES.</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e46_d1">51 dossiers.</desc>
                    <note>Princesse de Beauvau-Craon, duchesse de Dino, J. Dodu, Mlle Dosne, maréchale Gérard, comtesse d'Haussonville, duchesse de Raguse, de Montaigu et de Noailles, Mme de Païva, etc.</note>
                <item n="47" xml:id="CAT_000300_e47">
                    <num type="lot">47</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q472235">FLANDRIN (Hippolyte)</name>
                        <p>célèbre peintre d'histoire, n. 1809, m. 1853.</p>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e47_d1">4 <term ana="#document_type_7">l. a. s.</term> ; <date when="1844">1844-1862</date>, <measure type="length" unit="p" n="5">5 p.</measure>
                        <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_4">in-4</measure>
                    <note>Intéressantes lettres. Dans l'une d'elles il donne le conseil d'exposer une nudité, quand cela ne serait que pour apprendre aux gens à regarder une nudité innocente. On a joint un dessin au crayon attribué à Flandrin.</note>
                <item n="48" xml:id="CAT_000300_e48">
                    <num type="lot">48</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q155425">FLOTOW (Frédéric de)</name>
                        <p>célèbre compositeur de musique allemand, auteur de Martha, n. 1812, m. 1883.</p>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e48_d1">2 <term ana="#document_type_7">l. a. s.</term>, en français; <date when="1871">19 octobre 1871 et 6 juin 1870</date>, <measure type="length" unit="p" n="3">3 p.</measure>
                        <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_8">in-8</measure> et 1 p. in-12</desc>
                    <note>Il informe un directeur de théâtre que ne pouvant lui donner une pièce nouvelle pour le public de son théâtre, qui a si bien accueilli Martha, il lui envoie, pour se rappeler au souvenir de ce bon public, une pièce toute prête dont la réputation est, en Allemagne, égale à celle de Martha.</note>
                <item n="49" xml:id="CAT_000300_e49">
                    <num type="lot">49</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q652952">FONTAINE (Pierre-François-Léonard)</name>
                        <p>célèbre architecte, membre de l'Institut, n. 1762, m'1853.</p>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e49_d1">2 <term ana="#document_type_7">l. a. s.</term> dont une à H. Maret; <date when="1811">14 mars 1811 et 14 juin 1833</date>, <measure type="length" unit="p" n="1">1 p.</measure> in-folio et 1 p. <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_4">in-4</measure>
                    <note>La lettre adressée à Maret contient l'exposé d'un palais à bâtir, à Paris, près le quai Bonaparte, dans l'espace compris entre les rues de Lille, de Poitiers et de Bellechasse.</note>
                <item n="50" xml:id="CAT_000300_e50">
                    <num type="lot">50</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q129857">FRANÇOIS Ier</name>
                        <p>roi de France, n. 1494, m. 1547.</p>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e50_d1">
                        <term ana="#document_type_4">P. s.</term>, sur vélin; Mâcon, 11 janvier 1535 (<date when="1536">1536</date> n. s.), <measure type="length" unit="p" n="1">1 p.</measure>
                        <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_101">in-folio obl</measure>ong</desc>
                    <note>Mandement aux gens de ses comptes concernant les aides perçus par l'évêque de Rodez.</note>
                <item n="51" xml:id="CAT_000300_e51">
                    <num type="lot">51</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q313556">GARNIER (Charles)</name>
                        <p>le célèbre architecte, n. 1825, m. 1898.</p>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e51_d1">1° <term ana="#document_type_7">L. a. s.</term> à Le Bas, son professeur; Rome, <date when="1849-03-24">24 mars 1849</date>, <measure type="length" unit="p" n="3">3 p.</measure>
                        <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_4">in-4</measure>
                    <note>Curieuse pièce. C'est la première lettre écrite par Ch. Garnier à son professeur, lors de son arrivée à Rome. Il lui donne l'itinéraire qu'il a suivi et lui communique ses impressions de voyage. Il parle des monuments de Nîmes, Arles, Gênes, Florence, Rome, et la comparaison de toutes ces villes l'a fait revenir à l'antique : « J'ai aimé ce que nous appelons les romantiques à l'École. Quand je dis l'antique, je veux parler des monuments d'un goût sage et pur et d'un style serré, aussi, autrefois ce qui me semblait froid et monotone, est ce qui fait ici le plus d'effet ». Détails sur ses travaux et ses envois.</note>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e51_d2">2° 12 <term ana="#document_type_7">l. a. s.</term>; <measure type="length" unit="p" n="12">12 p.</measure>
                        <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_4">in-4 o</measure>u in-8</desc>
                <item n="52" xml:id="CAT_000300_e52">
                    <num type="lot">52</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q431534">GÉNÉRAUX</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e52_d1">101 dossiers</desc>
                    <note>Cremer, Marbot. Mellinet, Montholon, Négrier, Perregaux, Petit, Pittié, Renault, Faidherbe, Frossard Valazé, etc.</note>
                <item n="53" xml:id="CAT_000300_e53">
                    <num type="lot">53</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q431534">GÉNÉRAUX</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e53_d1">162 dossiers</desc>
                    <note>Uhrich, Vignolles, Vinoy, Wimpffen, Frébault, Florentin, d'Hautpoul, Leclere, Songis, Ambert, d'Aurelle de Paladines, L. Berthier, Bertrand, Bourbaki, Cavaignac, etc.</note>
                <item n="54" xml:id="CAT_000300_e54">
                    <num type="lot">54</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q431534">GÉNÉRAUX</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e54_d1">151 dossiers</desc>
                    <note>Fleury, Foy Grouchy. Changarnier, Chanzy, Corbineau, Curial, Ducrot, Duvivier, Fabvier, Hulin, Lapasset, etc.</note>
                <item n="55" xml:id="CAT_000300_e55">
                    <num type="lot">55</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q58202">GOUVERNEMENT DE 1848.</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e55_d1">11 dossiers.</desc>
                    <note>Albert, F. Arago, L. Blanc, Crémieux, Dupont de l'Eure, Garnier-Pagès, Lamartine, Ledru-Rollin, A. Marrast.</note>
                <item n="56" xml:id="CAT_000300_e56">
                    <num type="lot">56</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q107529237">GRAVEURS ET DESSINATEURS.</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e56_d1">39 dossiers.</desc>
                    <note>Barre, Bracquemond, Oudiné, Mme Jaquotot, Draner, Gavarni, A. Gill, Grévin, Cham, Stop, Willette, etc.</note>
                <item n="57" xml:id="CAT_000300_e57">
                    <num type="lot">57</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q3340399">HAXO (Nicolas)</name>
                        <p>célèbre général qui s'empara de l'île de Noirmoutiers, n. 1750, m. 1794.</p>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e57_d1">
                        <term ana="#document_type_9">L. s.</term> au général Vimeux; Machecoul, <date when="1794-01-25">6 pluviôse an II</date>, <measure type="length" unit="p" n="1.5">1 p. 1/2</measure>
                        <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_4">in-4</measure>
                    <note>Lettre relative aux mesures à prendre pour défendre Clisson contre les attaques des brigands.</note>
                <item n="58" xml:id="CAT_000300_e58">
                    <num type="lot">58</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q82820890">HENRI III</name>
                        <p>roi de France, n. 1551, m. 1584.</p>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e58_d1">
                        <term ana="#document_type_4">P. s.</term>, sur vélin ; Paris, <date when="1588-01-28">28 janvier 1588</date>, <measure type="length" unit="p" n="1">1 p.</measure>
                        <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_101">in-folio obl</measure>ong</desc>
                    <note>Mandement ordonnant de payer à Jehan de Hongrie, la somme de 833 écus.</note>
                <item n="59" xml:id="CAT_000300_e59">
                    <num type="lot">59</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q936976">HENRI IV</name>
                        <p>roi de France, n. 1553, assassiné en 1610.</p>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e59_d1">
                        <term ana="#document_type_4">P. s.</term>, sur vélin; Lisieux, <date when="1590-01-15">15 janvier 1590</date>; <measure type="length" unit="p" n="1">1 p.</measure>
                        <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_104">in-4 obl</measure>ong</desc>
                    <note>Mandement à son trésorier, François Hotman, de payer au sieur de La Thuillerge la somme de 800 écus, pour le rembourser des frais et des peines qu'il a convenu de faire dans le voyage qu'il a fait par commandement du Roi, en Angleterre, Hollande, Zélande, Hambourg, Cassel, Francfort, Strasbourg et autres lieux d'Allemagne et de Suisse.</note>
                <item n="60" xml:id="CAT_000300_e60">
                    <num type="lot">60</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q17358687">HOMMES D'ÉTAT (1804-1870).</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e60_d1">116 dossiers.</desc>
                    <note>Champagny, Daru, Frochot, Gaudin, Mollien, Monta livet, de Belleyme, Dambray, B. Constant, C. Jourdan A. de Noailles, Boissy d'Anglas, de Damas, J. de Polignac, Villèle, Baroche, Billaut, Magne, Gramont, etc.</note>
                <item n="61" xml:id="CAT_000300_e61">
                    <num type="lot">61</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q2841414">HOMMES POLITIQUES DE LA 3eme RÉPUBLIQUE.</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e61_d1">175 dossiers environ.</desc>
                    <note>A. de Mun, Naquet, C. Pelletan, A. Proust, Greppoi Dréo, Develle, Cantagrel, Cassagnac, Chautemps, Chau vère, T. Delord, etc.</note>
                <item n="62" xml:id="CAT_000300_e62">
                    <num type="lot">62</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q17358687">HOMMES D'ÉTAT. (Règne de Louis-Philippe).</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e62_d1">85 dossiers.</desc>
                    <note>Cunin-Gridaine, Delessert, Laffitte, Persil, Salvandy de Caux, Girod de l'Ain, Pontécoulant, duc de Praslain etc.</note>
                <item n="63" xml:id="CAT_000300_e63">
                    <num type="lot">63</num>
                    <name type="author">HOMMES POLITIQUES DE LA 3me RÉPUBLIQUE.</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e63_d1">170 dossiers environ.</desc>
                    <note>Ed. Adam, Amouroux, Sauton, Rouher, Scheurer Kestner, Schoelcher, F Herold, Kératry, Madier de Montjau, H. Maret, Ménard-Dorian, Millerand, etc.</note>
                <item n="64" xml:id="CAT_000300_e64">
                    <num type="lot">64</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q17358687">HOMMES D'ÉTAT</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e64_d1">3me République. 62 dossiers</desc>
                    <note>L. Gambetta (signature découpée), Eug. Pelletan H. Rochefort, J. Simon, Freycinet, Lockroy, Méline Ribot, Balhaut, Buffet, Challemel-Lacour, Delcassé Fallières, Floquet, J. Favre, J. Ferry, etc</note>
                <item n="65" xml:id="CAT_000300_e65">
                    <num type="lot">65</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q535">HUGO (Victor)</name>
                        <p>le grand poète, n. 1802, m. 1885.</p>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e65_d1">5 <term ana="#document_type_7">l. a. s.</term>, <measure type="length" unit="p" n="5">5 p.</measure>
                        <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_8">in-8</measure>, une de ces lettres est doublée</desc>
                    <note>Joli dossier. Dans une lettre, adressée à L. Ulbach, Hugo remer cie pour un article au sujet d'un de ses livres et termine ainsi : «Vous affrontez toute la légion du mal et vous couvrez mon livre d'un bouclier de diamant ». On a joint quelques caricatures.</note>
                <item n="66" xml:id="CAT_000300_e66">
                    <num type="lot">66</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q28806948">LITTÉRATEURS</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e66_d1">69 dossiers</desc>
                    <note>Goncourt, Gonzalès, Gozlan, A. Houssaye, F.-V. Hugo, Mirecourt, A. Karr, P. de Kock, G. Aimard, R. de Beauvoir, Ch. de Bernard, Elie Berthet, Saintine, etc.</note>
                <item n="67" xml:id="CAT_000300_e67">
                    <num type="lot">67</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q28806948">LITTÉRATEURS</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e67_d1">50 dossiers.</desc>
                    <note>Champfleury, Erckmann-Chatrian, Cladel, J. Cousin, Daudet, A. Delvau, E. Süe, L. Ulbach, Zola, etc.</note>
                <item n="68" xml:id="CAT_000300_e68">
                    <num type="lot">68</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q28806948">LITTÉRATEURS</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e68_d1">64 dossiers</desc>
                    <note>Ch. Monselet, X. de Montépin, P. de Musset, Pont- martin, Ponson du Terrail, B. de Saint-Pierre, Dubut de Laforest, A. Dumas père, G. Flaubert, etc.</note>
                <item n="69" xml:id="CAT_000300_e69">
                    <num type="lot">69</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q107417260">LOUIS XVIII</name>
                        <p>roi de France, n. 1755, m. 1821.</p>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e69_d1">
                        <term ana="#document_type_4">P. s.</term> (griffe); Paris, <date when="1817-04-19">19 avril 1817</date>, <measure type="length" unit="p" n="1">1 p.</measure>
                        <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_1">in-folio</measure>
                    <note>CURIEUSE PIÈCE. Brevet de confirmation du titre de chevalier pour Charlemagne Trévary, qui avait déjà reçu ce titre en 1810. Les armes de l'annobli sont peintes dans un angle de la pièce.</note>
                <item n="70" xml:id="CAT_000300_e70">
                    <num type="lot">70</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q3538900">MARÉCHAUX DE FRANCE.</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e70_d1">44 dossiers.</desc>
                    <note>Bazaine, Belleisle, Bernadotte, Berthier, Bourmont, Beurnonville, Canrobert, Castellane, Clarke, Forey, Gouvion-Saint-Cyr, Grouchy, Kellermann, Oudinot, Marmont, Soult, Suchet, etc</note>
                <item n="71" xml:id="CAT_000300_e71">
                    <num type="lot">71</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q56292522">MARINS.</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e71_d1">74 dossiers.</desc>
                    <note>Baudin, Duperré, Hamelin, Truguet, Ver-Huel, Cécile, Dalbarade, Dumont d'Urville, Fleuriot de Langle, Jurien de la Gravière, Villaret-Joyeuse, etc</note>
                <item n="72" xml:id="CAT_000300_e72">
                    <num type="lot">72</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q194436">MASSENET (Jules)</name>
                        <p>célèbre compositeur de musique, auteur de Manon, membre de l'Institut.</p>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e72_d1">1° Morceau de musique aut., <measure type="length" unit="p" n="1">1 p.</measure> gr. <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_4">in-4.</measure>
                    <note>Fanfare des Cosaques dans l'Hetman de Paul Déroulède.</note>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e72_d2">2° 7 <term ana="#document_type_7">l. a. s.</term>, <measure type="length" unit="p" n="7">7 p.</measure>
                        <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_8">in-8.</measure> On a joint quelques cartes de visite</desc>
                <item n="73" xml:id="CAT_000300_e73">
                    <num type="lot">73</num>
                    <name type="author">MINISTRES DE LA GUERRE</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e73_d1">29 dossiers</desc>
                    <note>Boulanger, Du Barail, Cissey, Clermont-Tonnerre, Cousin-Montauban, Dejean, Favre, Galliffet, Leflô, etc.</note>
                <item n="74" xml:id="CAT_000300_e74">
                    <num type="lot">74</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q22256066">MUSICIENS</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e74_d1">94 pièces</desc>
                    <note>Colonne, Danbé, Habeneck, O. Metra, Pasdeloup, Arban, Batta, Lecouppey, Marmontel, Marsick, Planté, Taffanel, Tulou, etc.</note>
                <item n="75" xml:id="CAT_000300_e75">
                    <num type="lot">75</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q517">NAPOLÉON Ier</name>
                        <p>empereur des Français, n. 1769, m. 1821.</p>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e75_d1">2 apostilles signées Np. en marge de rapports adressés à l'Empereur, <date when="1810">1810 et 1811</date>, <measure type="length" unit="p" n="3">3 p.</measure>
                        <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_8">in-8</measure> et 1 p. in-4. Cette dernière pièce n'est qu'un fragment.</desc>
                <item n="76" xml:id="CAT_000300_e76">
                    <num type="lot">76</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q7721">NAPOLÉON III</name>
                        <p>empereur des Français, n. 1808, m. 1873.</p>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e76_d1">
                        <measure type="length" unit="p" n="1">1 p.</measure> a. s. et 1 <term ana="#document_type_3">p. aut.</term>, 1/2 p. <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_8">in-8</measure> et 1/2 p. in-4</desc>
                    <note>Minutes de dépêches à l'Impératrice et à la Reine d'Espagne. On a joint un dossier d'imprimés curieux : proclamations, caricatures, etc.</note>
                <item n="77" xml:id="CAT_000300_e77">
                    <num type="lot">77</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q15727422">PAIRS DE FRANCE.</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e77_d1">32 dossiers.</desc>
                    <note>Decazes, Dreux-Brézé, Jaucourt, La Rochefoucauld, ducs de Lorge, de Maillé et de Montmorency, comte de Mun, etc.</note>
                <item n="78" xml:id="CAT_000300_e78">
                    <num type="lot">78</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q30025379">PEINTRES</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e78_d1">79 dossiers</desc>
                    <note>Rochegrosse, Roybet, Sain, A. Scheffer, A. Couder, Couture, Dantan, Décamps, G. Doré, Hillemacher, P. Huet, Isabey, Jacque, Jadin, Jeanron, T. Johannot, etc.</note>
                <item n="79" xml:id="CAT_000300_e79">
                    <num type="lot">79</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q30025379">PEINTRES</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e79_d1">92 dossiers</desc>
                    <note>Toulmouche, Trouillebert, Vibert, Yyon, Protais, Puvis de Chavannes, Duez, Dubuffe, C. Duran, Fantin-Latour, P. Flandrin, Fragonard, fils, Fromentin, etc.</note>
                <item n="80" xml:id="CAT_000300_e80">
                    <num type="lot">80</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q30025379">PEINTRES.</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e80_d1">60 dossiers.</desc>
                    <note>L. Abbéma, Allongé, Barrias, H. Bellangé, Berne-Bellecour, J. Gigoux, Glaize. Gudin, Harpignies, Maignan, Manet, Marchal.</note>
                <item n="81" xml:id="CAT_000300_e81">
                    <num type="lot">81</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q30025379">PEINTRES</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e81_d1">80 dossiers</desc>
                    <note>Lami, Lansyer, Leloir, J. Boilly, Rosa Bonheur, Bonvin, L. Boulanger, G. Cain, Carrier-Belleuse, Chaigneau. Clairin, Cogniet, Raffaëlli, Raffet, Regamey A. Renan, Bibot, etc.</note>
                <item n="82" xml:id="CAT_000300_e82">
                    <num type="lot">82</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q3403710">POETES</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e82_d1">52 dossiers</desc>
                    <note>Magu, C. Mendès, J. Méry, A. Silvestre, Laurent Tailhade, Th. de Banville, Barthélemy, P Boyer, Chenédollé, L. Deschamps, P. Deroulède, Dierx, Jasmin, etc.</note>
                <item n="83" xml:id="CAT_000300_e83">
                    <num type="lot">83</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q27891441">PRÉSIDENTS DE LA RÉPUBLIQUE.</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e83_d1">8 dossiers.</desc>
                    <note>Thiers, Grévy, Mac-Mahon. Casimir-Périer. On a joint de nombreux imprimés et caricatures.</note>
                <item n="84" xml:id="CAT_000300_e84">
                    <num type="lot">84</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q461104">PUBLICISTES</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e84_d1">65 dossiers</desc>
                    <note>H. de Pène, H. Pessard, A. Ranc, Ratisbonne, Ed. About, Arène, Asseline, Barbey d Aurévilly, P. Bonnetain, Granier de Cassagnac, E. Blavet, Vacquerie, Veuillot, Villemessant, A. Wolff, etc.</note>
                <item n="85" xml:id="CAT_000300_e85">
                    <num type="lot">85</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q461104">PUBLICISTES.</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e85_d1">69 dossiers.</desc>
                    <note>L. Lespès, H. Malot, P de Cassagnac, G. Cavaignac, F. Champaur, Chincholle, L. Desnoyers, Dumont, E. de Girardin, Laurentie, J. Lermina, Lissagaray, Millevoye, Naquet, V. Noir, etc.</note>
                <item n="86" xml:id="CAT_000300_e86">
                    <num type="lot">86</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q157155">RENAN (Ernest)</name>
                        <p>l'illustre auteur de la Vie de Jésus, membre de l'Académie française, n. 1823, m. 1892.</p>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e86_d1">3 <term ana="#document_type_7">l. a. s.</term> et 2 l. aut., <measure type="length" unit="p" n="8">8 p.</measure>
                        <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_8">in-8</measure>
                    <note>Intéressant dossier une de ces lettres parait être adressée à la princesse Mathilde. Dans une autre, Renan prend la défense de Taine contre les attaques de Lehmann, etc.</note>
                <item n="87" xml:id="CAT_000300_e87">
                    <num type="lot">87</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q157155">RENAN (Ernest)</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e87_d1">1° <term ana="#document_type_13">Manuscrit aut.</term>, <measure type="length" unit="p" n="3">3 p.</measure>
                        <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_4">in-4.</measure>
                    <note>Dissertation sur une inscription grecque concernant Marc- Aurêle ou Antonin le Pieux.</note>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e87_d2">2° <term ana="#document_type_13">Manuscrit aut.</term>, <measure type="length" unit="p" n="8">8 p.</measure>
                        <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_4">in-4</measure>
                    <note>Notice sur Victor Le Clerc. On a joint des épreuves avec des corrections aut. de divers ouvrages de Renan : La Vie de Jésus, Les Origines du Christianisme, etc.</note>
                <item n="88" xml:id="CAT_000300_e88">
                    <num type="lot">88</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q6534">RÉVOLUTION FRANÇAISE</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e88_d1">17 dossiers</desc>
                    <note>Bailly, Boissy d'Anglas, L. Carnot, Grégoire, C.-A. Prieur, Thibaudeau, Bourdon de l'Oise, Dejoly, Narbonne, Pache, etc.</note>
                <item n="89" xml:id="CAT_000300_e89">
                    <num type="lot">89</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q741070">ROUSSE (Edmond)</name>
                        <p>célèbre avocat, membre de l'Académie française.</p>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e89_d1">
                        <term ana="#document_type_7">L. a. s.</term>; <date when="1870-06-15">15 juin 1870</date>, <measure type="length" unit="p" n="2.5">2 p. 1/2</measure>
                        <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_8">in-8</measure>
                    <note>Belle et rare lettre au Directeur du Théâtre-Lyrique ; il fait l'éloge de Membrée et lui demande de monter l'Esclave, qu'il recommande comme une très bonne oeuvre.</note>
                <item n="90" xml:id="CAT_000300_e90">
                    <num type="lot">90</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q310025">ROUSSEAU (Théodore)</name>
                        <p>le grand peintre, n. 1812, m. 1867.</p>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e90_d1">
                        <term ana="#document_type_7">L. a. s.</term> à M. Martinet; Barbison, 22 août, <measure type="length" unit="p" n="1">1 p.</measure>
                        <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_8">in-8</measure>
                    <note>Il consent à vendre un de ses tableaux pour la somme de 4.000 francs, afin d'encourager les amateurs qui manifestent du goût pour les vieilles forêts.</note>
                <item n="91" xml:id="CAT_000300_e91">
                    <num type="lot">91</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q106598989">ROYER-COLLARD (Pierre-Paul)</name>
                        <p>célèbre philosophe et homme d'Etat, membre de l'Académie française, n. 1763, m. 1845.</p>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e91_d1">1° <term ana="#document_type_7">L. a. s.</term> ; <date when="1818-09-27">27 septembre 1818</date>, <measure type="length" unit="p" n="1.5">1 p. 1/2</measure>
                        <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_1">in-folio</measure>
                    <note>Il informe un ministre qu'un de ses protégés n'est pas en état de remplir la place qu'il sollicite.</note>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e91_d2">2° <term ana="#document_type_9">L. s.</term> à M. Tarbé, à Sens ; Paris, <date when="1814-12-03">3 décembre 1814</date>, <measure type="length" unit="p" n="1">1 p.</measure>
                        <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_4">in-4</measure>
                    <note>Il l'informe qu'il doit se munir de la permission de l'évêque pour imprimer l'Office latin et français de Saint Just, martyr.</note>
                <item n="92" xml:id="CAT_000300_e92">
                    <num type="lot">92</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q150445">SAINT-SAENS (Camille)</name>
                        <p>le grand compositeur de musique.</p>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e92_d1">5 <term ana="#document_type_7">l. a. s.</term>, <measure type="length" unit="p" n="8">8 p.</measure>
                        <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_4">in-4 o</measure>u in-12</desc>
                    <note>Intéressant dossier. Dans l'une de ces lettres, M. Saint- Saëns parle du succès d'Étienne Marcel.</note>
                <item n="93" xml:id="CAT_000300_e93">
                    <num type="lot">93</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q106604034">SAND (George)</name>
                        <p>la grande romancière, n. 1804, m. 1876.</p>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e93_d1">4 <term ana="#document_type_7">l. a. s.</term> à divers, <measure type="length" unit="p" n="2.5">2 p. 1/2</measure>
                        <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_8">in-8</measure> et 4 p. in-12</desc>
                    <note>Intéressant dossier qui contient une lettre curieuse sur Anatole de La Forge, Manin et l'Italie.</note>
                <item n="94" xml:id="CAT_000300_e94">
                    <num type="lot">94</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q104535352">SAVANTS.</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e94_d1">52 dossiers.</desc>
                    <note>Brongniart, Daubrée, Sainte-Claire-Deville, Biot, M. Chasles, Lalande, Legendre, Et. et Is. Geoffroy Saint- Hilaire, Lacépède, P. Bert, Cl. Bernard, Brown-Séquard, Charcot, Nélaton, etc.</note>
                <item n="95" xml:id="CAT_000300_e95">
                    <num type="lot">95</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q104535352">SAVANTS</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e95_d1">75 dossiers</desc>
                    <note>Le Verrier, Méchain, Duperrey, Dupuy de Lôme, Jurien de la Gravière, Becquerel, Chaptal, Gay-Lussac, F. Arago, Delambre. Parmentier, Thoüin, Brongniart, Berthollet, Chevreul, Vauquelin, Wurtz, etc.</note>
                <item n="96" xml:id="CAT_000300_e96">
                    <num type="lot">96</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q104535352">SAVANTS</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e96_d1">52 dossiers. Berthelot, Buffon, Condorcet, Cuvier, J.-B. Dumas</desc>
                    <note>Flourens, Pasteur, Bory-Saint-Vincent, Breguet, Brouardel, Desgenettes, Larrey, etc.</note>
                <item n="97" xml:id="CAT_000300_e97">
                    <num type="lot">97</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q28957542">SAVANTS ET MÉDECINS.</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e97_d1">119 dossiers.</desc>
                    <note>Trousseau, Figuier, Raspail, Bréguet, Flammarion, Francoeur, Tissandier, etc.</note>
                <item n="98" xml:id="CAT_000300_e98">
                    <num type="lot">98</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q107820146">SCULPTEURS</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e98_d1">81 dossiers</desc>
                    <note>Mène, A. Millet, Préault, Rodin, Saint-Marceaux, Bartholdi, Carrier-Belleuse, Chatrousse, Clesinger, Etex, H. Chapu, David d'Angers. Duret, Falguière, Frémiet, Guillaume, A. Mercié, Pradier, etc.</note>
                <item n="99" xml:id="CAT_000300_e99">
                    <num type="lot">99</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q89856292">SOUVERAINS ET PRINCES.</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e99_d1">18 dossiers.</desc>
                    <note>Comte de Chambord, L.-J. prince de Condé, Louis XIII, Louis XIV, Louis XV, Louis XVI, Charles X, Louis- Philippe, Anne, princesse palatine, duc de Penthièvre, Marie-Amélie, etc.</note>
                <item n="100" xml:id="CAT_000300_e100">
                    <num type="lot">100</num>
                    <name type="author">SÉNAT ET CORPS LÉGISLATIF (1852-1870).</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e100_d1">108 dossiers.</desc>
                    <note>Marquis de Boissy, Cambacérès, Champagny, Darimon, I. Péreire, Pietri, Schneider, etc.</note>
                <item n="101" xml:id="CAT_000300_e101">
                    <num type="lot">101</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q75440529">THÉATRE-FRANÇAIS (Sociétaires du).</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e101_d1">26 dossiers.</desc>
                    <note>Mmes Jouassin, Lloyd, C. Montaland, Pierson, Rachel, Reichemberg, J. Samary, Arnould-Plessy, Bartet, Barretta, S. Bernhardt, Dudlay, Marie Favart, A. et M. Brohan, etc.</note>
                <item n="102" xml:id="CAT_000300_e102">
                    <num type="lot">102</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q75440529">THÉATRE-FRANÇAIS (Sociétaires du).</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e102_d1">36 dossiers.</desc>
                    <note>Berr, Beauvallet, Brindeau, Coquelin aîné et cadet, Delaunay, Duflos, Febvre, de Féraudy, Got, Lebargy, Leloir, P. Mounet, Talbot, Samson, Sylvain, Truffier, Worms, etc.</note>
                <item n="103" xml:id="CAT_000300_e103">
                    <num type="lot">103</num>
                    <name type="author">VALMORE (Marceline Desbordes  madame)</name>
                        <p>la célèbre femme poète, n. 1785, m. 1859.</p>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e103_d1">1° 5 <term ana="#document_type_7">l. a. s.</term> à des amies; <date when="1847">2 lettres sont datées de 1847</date>, les autres sans date, <measure type="length" unit="p" n="10">10 p.</measure>
                        <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_8">in-8.</measure>
                    <note>Intéressantes lettres pleines de détails intimes. Dans l'une, elle parle de la mauvaise santé de sa fille Ondine.</note>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e103_d2">2° Le Secret perdu, <term ana="#document_type_3">pièce de vers aut.</term>, <measure type="length" unit="p" n="1">1 p.</measure>
                        <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_4">in-4</measure>
                <item n="104" xml:id="CAT_000300_e104">
                    <num type="lot">104</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q55899921">VOLTAIRE (François-Marie AROUET de)</name>
                        <p>l'illustre écrivain, membre de l'Académie française, n. 1694, m. 1778.</p>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e104_d1">
                        <term ana="#document_type_7">L. a. s.</term> V., à la comtesse de Lutzbourg ; Colmar, 4 décembre (<date when="1753">1753</date>), <measure type="length" unit="p" n="2.5">2 p. 1/2</measure>
                        <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_4">in-4</measure>, tachée d'encre</desc>
                    <note>Intéressante lettre où il se livre à des considérations sur sa mauvaise santé.</note>
                <item n="105" xml:id="CAT_000300_e105">
                    <num type="lot">105</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q19239870">VOYAGEURS ET GÉOGRAPHES.</name>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e105_d1">22 dossiers</desc>
                    <note>G. Bonvalot, S. de Brazza, Cortambert, Denecourt, F. Garnier, G. Lambert, F. de Lesseps, Roudaire, etc.</note>
                <item n="106" xml:id="CAT_000300_e106">
                    <num type="lot">106</num>
                    <name type="author" ref="wd:Q215161">WIDOR (Charles)</name>
                        <p>compositeur de musique.</p>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e106_d1">1° 6 lettres ou <term ana="#document_type_6">billets</term> aut., <measure type="length" unit="p" n="6">6 p.</measure>
                        <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_8">in-8 o</measure>u in-16.</desc>
                    <note>Conte d'avril, morceau de musique aut., 7 p. in-folio</note>
                <item n="107" xml:id="CAT_000300_e107">
                    <num type="lot">107</num>
                    <name type="author"/>
                    <desc xml:id="CAT_000300_e107_d1">Sous ce numéro on vendra une grande quantité d'imprimés et de portraits</desc>

At cat_stat level

The results are contained in the body of the response object returned by the API. They are organised by catalogue, with each catalogue being identified by its @xml:id. Each catalogue is mapped to data. the meaning of the this data is specified by the following keys:

In this case, two response formats are possible: json and xml-tei. The json response looks like this:

    "head": {
        "encoding_desc": {
            "cat_type": "The type of catalogue (`LAC`|`RDA`|`AUC`|`OTH`)",
            "currency": "The currency of the prices returned. `FRF` corresponds to french francs.",
            "high_price_c": "The most expensive items in the catalogue, in constant 1900 francs. In the whole API, the `_c` suffix indicates that a price is expressed in constant 1900 francs.",
            "high_price_items_c": "The most expensive items in the catalogue. Each item's `@xml:id` is associated to its price, in constant francs.",
            "item_count": "The number of manuscripts for sale in the catalogue.",
            "low_price_c": "The least expensive item's price, in constant 1900 francs.",
            "mean_price_c": "The average price for a catalogue item, in constant 1900 francs.",
            "median_price_c": "The median price for a catalogue item, in constant francs.",
            "mode_price_c": "The mode price (the price that appears the most often in a catalogue)For an item, in constant francs.",
            "sell_date": "The year of the sale presented in the catalogue.",
            "title": "The title of the catalogue, and, by extension, of the sale.",
            "total_price_c": "The sum of each item's price, in constant francs",
            "variance_price_c": "The variance of the prices inside the catalogue."
        "license": "Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)",
        "query": {
            "format": "json",
            "level": "cat_stat",
            "name": "RDA",
            "sell_date": "1800-1900"
        "query_date": "2022-08-24T16:41:42.604421",
        "status_code": 200
    "results": {
        "CAT_000001": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "item_count": 379,
            "sell_date": "1845",
            "title": "Vente Charon, 14 mai 1845"
        "CAT_000002": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "currency": "FRF",
            "high_price_c": 51.0,
            "high_price_items_c": {
                "CAT_000002_e189": 51.0
            "item_count": 189,
            "low_price_c": 1.53,
            "mean_price_c": 5.4235483870967744,
            "median_price_c": 3.57,
            "mode_price_c": 3.06,
            "sell_date": "Septembre - Decembre 1871",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b029 (septembre 1871)",
            "total_price_c": 1008,
            "variance_price_c": 44.285716441207086
        "CAT_000004": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "item_count": 133,
            "sell_date": "1896",
            "title": "Vente Etienne Charavay, 30 mai 1986"
        "CAT_000005": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "currency": "FRF",
            "high_price_c": 663.0,
            "high_price_items_c": {
                "CAT_000005_e237": 663.0
            "item_count": 137,
            "low_price_c": 2.04,
            "mean_price_c": 11.164651162790697,
            "median_price_c": 3.57,
            "mode_price_c": 2.55,
            "sell_date": "1856-10",
            "title": "Catalogue Laverdet, N\u00b03 (octobre 1856)",
            "total_price_c": 1440,
            "variance_price_c": 3410.2974357310254
        "CAT_000017": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "currency": "FRF",
            "high_price_c": 165.75,
            "high_price_items_c": {
                "CAT_000017_e126": 165.75
            "item_count": 1,
            "low_price_c": 165.75,
            "mean_price_c": 165.75,
            "median_price_c": 165.75,
            "mode_price_c": 165.75,
            "sell_date": "1871",
            "title": "Collection Merlin, 31 octobre 1871",
            "total_price_c": 165,
            "variance_price_c": 0.0
        "CAT_000018": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "currency": "FRF",
            "high_price_c": 561.0,
            "high_price_items_c": {
                "CAT_000018_e144": 561.0
            "item_count": 192,
            "low_price_c": 1.53,
            "mean_price_c": 10.565811518324606,
            "median_price_c": 5.1,
            "mode_price_c": 3.06,
            "sell_date": "1873-08",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b037 (ao\u00fbt 1873)",
            "total_price_c": 2018,
            "variance_price_c": 1658.1071772210191
        "CAT_000019": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "currency": "FRF",
            "high_price_c": 71.4,
            "high_price_items_c": {
                "CAT_000019_e3955": 71.4
            "item_count": 163,
            "low_price_c": 1.27,
            "mean_price_c": 8.374551282051282,
            "median_price_c": 4.08,
            "mode_price_c": 2.04,
            "sell_date": "1868-12",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b019 (d\u00e9cembre 1868)",
            "total_price_c": 1306,
            "variance_price_c": 141.2647106960881
        "CAT_000020": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "currency": "FRF",
            "high_price_c": 127.5,
            "high_price_items_c": {
                "CAT_000020_e4136": 127.5
            "item_count": 218,
            "low_price_c": 1.02,
            "mean_price_c": 7.88,
            "median_price_c": 3.06,
            "mode_price_c": 2.04,
            "sell_date": "1869-03",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b021 (Mars-Avril 1869)",
            "total_price_c": 1639,
            "variance_price_c": 207.56430192307693
        "CAT_000021": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "currency": "FRF",
            "high_price_c": 204.0,
            "high_price_items_c": {
                "CAT_000021_e4399": 204.0
            "item_count": 207,
            "low_price_c": 1.53,
            "mean_price_c": 11.448844221105528,
            "median_price_c": 5.1,
            "mode_price_c": 3.06,
            "sell_date": "1869-05",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b022 (Mai-Juillet 1869)",
            "total_price_c": 2278,
            "variance_price_c": 385.58023635261736
        "CAT_000022": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "currency": "FRF",
            "high_price_c": 51.0,
            "high_price_items_c": {
                "CAT_000022_e115": 51.0,
                "CAT_000022_e136": 51.0,
                "CAT_000022_e200": 51.0
            "item_count": 225,
            "low_price_c": 0.11,
            "mean_price_c": 4.344654377880184,
            "median_price_c": 3.06,
            "mode_price_c": 3.06,
            "sell_date": "1869-10",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b023 (Octobre 1869)",
            "total_price_c": 942,
            "variance_price_c": 42.09139630911678
        "CAT_000023": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "currency": "FRF",
            "high_price_c": 51.0,
            "high_price_items_c": {
                "CAT_000023_e49": 51.0,
                "CAT_000023_e55": 51.0
            "item_count": 166,
            "low_price_c": 1.02,
            "mean_price_c": 3.73888198757764,
            "median_price_c": 2.55,
            "mode_price_c": 2.04,
            "sell_date": "1869-12",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b024 (D\u00e9cembre 1869)",
            "total_price_c": 601,
            "variance_price_c": 36.7394024767563
        "CAT_000024": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "currency": "FRF",
            "high_price_c": 1854.36,
            "high_price_items_c": {
                "CAT_000024_e2": 1854.36
            "item_count": 175,
            "low_price_c": 1.02,
            "mean_price_c": 15.584651162790697,
            "median_price_c": 3.06,
            "mode_price_c": 3.06,
            "sell_date": "1872-04",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b030 (Avril 1872)",
            "total_price_c": 2680,
            "variance_price_c": 19795.080500459702
        "CAT_000025": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "currency": "FRF",
            "high_price_c": 102.0,
            "high_price_items_c": {
                "CAT_000025_e58": 102.0,
                "CAT_000025_e74": 102.0
            "item_count": 174,
            "low_price_c": 2.04,
            "mean_price_c": 11.79859649122807,
            "median_price_c": 6.12,
            "mode_price_c": 4.08,
            "sell_date": "1872-05",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b031 (Mai-Juin 1872)",
            "total_price_c": 2017,
            "variance_price_c": 235.2002261003386
        "CAT_000026": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "currency": "FRF",
            "high_price_c": 153.0,
            "high_price_items_c": {
                "CAT_000026_e144": 153.0
            "item_count": 203,
            "low_price_c": 2.04,
            "mean_price_c": 8.7001,
            "median_price_c": 5.1,
            "mode_price_c": 3.06,
            "sell_date": "1872-08",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b032 (Mai-Juin 1872)",
            "total_price_c": 1740,
            "variance_price_c": 235.62633499000003
        "CAT_000027": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "currency": "FRF",
            "high_price_c": 51.0,
            "high_price_items_c": {
                "CAT_000027_e21": 51.0
            "item_count": 120,
            "low_price_c": 2.04,
            "mean_price_c": 5.791525423728814,
            "median_price_c": 4.08,
            "mode_price_c": 4.08,
            "sell_date": "1872-11",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b033 (Novembre 1872)",
            "total_price_c": 683,
            "variance_price_c": 37.29360275782821
        "CAT_000028": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "currency": "FRF",
            "high_price_c": 66.3,
            "high_price_items_c": {
                "CAT_000028_e160": 66.3
            "item_count": 206,
            "low_price_c": 2.04,
            "mean_price_c": 6.266699507389163,
            "median_price_c": 4.08,
            "mode_price_c": 3.06,
            "sell_date": "1873-02",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b034 (F\u00e9vrier 1873)",
            "total_price_c": 1272,
            "variance_price_c": 44.91264083088645
        "CAT_000029": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "currency": "FRF",
            "high_price_c": 20.4,
            "high_price_items_c": {
                "CAT_000029_e58": 20.4
            "item_count": 71,
            "low_price_c": 1.02,
            "mean_price_c": 5.2092857142857145,
            "median_price_c": 4.08,
            "mode_price_c": 3.06,
            "sell_date": "1873-05",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b035 (Mai 1873)",
            "total_price_c": 364,
            "variance_price_c": 11.956372346938775
        "CAT_000030": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "currency": "FRF",
            "high_price_c": 20.4,
            "high_price_items_c": {
                "CAT_000030_e222": 20.4,
                "CAT_000030_e230": 20.4
            "item_count": 240,
            "low_price_c": 2.04,
            "mean_price_c": 5.084644351464435,
            "median_price_c": 4.08,
            "mode_price_c": 3.06,
            "sell_date": "1874-02",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b038 (F\u00e9vrier 1874)",
            "total_price_c": 1215,
            "variance_price_c": 10.454912739622905
        "CAT_000031": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "currency": "FRF",
            "high_price_c": 127.5,
            "high_price_items_c": {
                "CAT_000031_e87": 127.5
            "item_count": 149,
            "low_price_c": 2.04,
            "mean_price_c": 9.960402684563759,
            "median_price_c": 5.1,
            "mode_price_c": 3.06,
            "sell_date": "1874-03",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b039 (Mars 1874)",
            "total_price_c": 1484,
            "variance_price_c": 249.01714614656998
        "CAT_000032": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "currency": "FRF",
            "high_price_c": 81.6,
            "high_price_items_c": {
                "CAT_000032_e94": 81.6
            "item_count": 142,
            "low_price_c": 2.04,
            "mean_price_c": 8.389859154929578,
            "median_price_c": 4.08,
            "mode_price_c": 3.06,
            "sell_date": "1874-05",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b040 (Mai 1874)",
            "total_price_c": 1191,
            "variance_price_c": 124.09179575481053
        "CAT_000033": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "currency": "FRF",
            "high_price_c": 71.4,
            "high_price_items_c": {
                "CAT_000033_e126": 71.4
            "item_count": 180,
            "low_price_c": 2.04,
            "mean_price_c": 7.652849162011173,
            "median_price_c": 5.1,
            "mode_price_c": 4.08,
            "sell_date": "1874-06",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b041 (Juin 1874)",
            "total_price_c": 1369,
            "variance_price_c": 66.33421031803003
        "CAT_000034": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "currency": "FRF",
            "high_price_c": 40.8,
            "high_price_items_c": {
                "CAT_000034_e161": 40.8,
                "CAT_000034_e169": 40.8,
                "CAT_000034_e76": 40.8
            "item_count": 181,
            "low_price_c": 2.04,
            "mean_price_c": 6.062696629213483,
            "median_price_c": 4.08,
            "mode_price_c": 3.06,
            "sell_date": "1875-01",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b043 (Janvier 1875)",
            "total_price_c": 1079,
            "variance_price_c": 40.81780396414594
        "CAT_000035": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "currency": "FRF",
            "high_price_c": 459.0,
            "high_price_items_c": {
                "CAT_000035_e153": 459.0
            "item_count": 174,
            "low_price_c": 2.04,
            "mean_price_c": 11.554137931034482,
            "median_price_c": 5.1,
            "mode_price_c": 3.06,
            "sell_date": "1875-03",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b044 (Mars 1875)",
            "total_price_c": 2010,
            "variance_price_c": 1278.16325529132
        "CAT_000036": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "currency": "FRF",
            "high_price_c": 204.0,
            "high_price_items_c": {
                "CAT_000036_e18": 204.0
            "item_count": 40,
            "low_price_c": 2.04,
            "mean_price_c": 29.7075,
            "median_price_c": 15.3,
            "mode_price_c": 15.3,
            "sell_date": "1875-05",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b045 (Mai 1875)",
            "total_price_c": 1188,
            "variance_price_c": 1822.27035375
        "CAT_000037": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "currency": "FRF",
            "high_price_c": 71.4,
            "high_price_items_c": {
                "CAT_000037_e152": 71.4
            "item_count": 193,
            "low_price_c": 2.04,
            "mean_price_c": 7.558736842105263,
            "median_price_c": 5.1,
            "mode_price_c": 4.08,
            "sell_date": "1873-06",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b036 (Juin 1873)",
            "total_price_c": 1436,
            "variance_price_c": 71.60130787811634
        "CAT_000038": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "currency": "FRF",
            "high_price_c": 66.3,
            "high_price_items_c": {
                "CAT_000038_e213": 66.3
            "item_count": 215,
            "low_price_c": 1.02,
            "mean_price_c": 6.647699530516432,
            "median_price_c": 5.1,
            "mode_price_c": 3.06,
            "sell_date": "1876-07",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b048 (Juillet 1876)",
            "total_price_c": 1415,
            "variance_price_c": 52.042309731314326
        "CAT_000039": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "currency": "FRF",
            "high_price_c": 51.0,
            "high_price_items_c": {
                "CAT_000039_e81": 51.0
            "item_count": 115,
            "low_price_c": 2.04,
            "mean_price_c": 4.974736842105263,
            "median_price_c": 4.08,
            "mode_price_c": 3.06,
            "sell_date": "1876-11",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b049 (Novembre 1876)",
            "total_price_c": 567,
            "variance_price_c": 26.833930193905815
        "CAT_000040": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "currency": "FRF",
            "high_price_c": 153.0,
            "high_price_items_c": {
                "CAT_000040_e35": 153.0
            "item_count": 123,
            "low_price_c": 2.04,
            "mean_price_c": 13.110731707317074,
            "median_price_c": 6.12,
            "mode_price_c": 6.12,
            "sell_date": "1877-03",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b051 (Mars 1877)",
            "total_price_c": 1612,
            "variance_price_c": 440.97198239143364
        "CAT_000041": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "currency": "FRF",
            "high_price_c": 85.68,
            "high_price_items_c": {
                "CAT_000041_e37": 85.68
            "item_count": 152,
            "low_price_c": 1.02,
            "mean_price_c": 7.338523489932886,
            "median_price_c": 5.1,
            "mode_price_c": 3.06,
            "sell_date": "1877-05",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b052 (Mai 1877)",
            "total_price_c": 1093,
            "variance_price_c": 85.83897500112609
        "CAT_000042": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "currency": "FRF",
            "high_price_c": 66.3,
            "high_price_items_c": {
                "CAT_000042_e19": 66.3,
                "CAT_000042_e47": 66.3
            "item_count": 133,
            "low_price_c": 2.04,
            "mean_price_c": 14.513587786259542,
            "median_price_c": 6.12,
            "mode_price_c": 3.06,
            "sell_date": "1878-02",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b053 (F\u00e9vrier 1878)",
            "total_price_c": 1901,
            "variance_price_c": 232.12141842549968
        "CAT_000043": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "currency": "FRF",
            "high_price_c": 45.9,
            "high_price_items_c": {
                "CAT_000043_e76": 45.9
            "item_count": 179,
            "low_price_c": 1.02,
            "mean_price_c": 7.402203389830508,
            "median_price_c": 4.08,
            "mode_price_c": 3.06,
            "sell_date": "1878-06",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b054 (Juin 1878)",
            "total_price_c": 1310,
            "variance_price_c": 58.16572904337834
        "CAT_000044": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "currency": "FRF",
            "high_price_c": 71.4,
            "high_price_items_c": {
                "CAT_000044_e73": 71.4
            "item_count": 212,
            "low_price_c": 1.84,
            "mean_price_c": 7.285714285714286,
            "median_price_c": 5.1,
            "mode_price_c": 3.06,
            "sell_date": "1878-12",
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            "title": "RDA, N\u00b087 (D\u00e9cembre 1884)",
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            "mode_price_c": 20.4,
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            "cat_type": "RDA",
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            "title": "RDA, N\u00b025 (Mars 1870)",
            "total_price_c": 572,
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            "title": "RDA, N\u00b050 (Janvier 1877)",
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            "cat_type": "RDA",
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            "title": "RDA, N\u00b028 (Ao\u00fbt 1871)",
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            "title": "RDA, N\u00b060 (F\u00e9vrier 1877)",
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            "title": "RDA, N\u00b094 (Novembre 1885)",
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            "title": "RDA, N\u00b095 (D\u00e9cembre 1885)",
            "total_price_c": 3937,
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            "item_count": 16,
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        "CAT_000092": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "item_count": 21,
            "sell_date": "1824",
            "title": "Collection Markham Sherwill"
        "CAT_000093": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "item_count": 1,
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        "CAT_000094": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "item_count": 56,
            "sell_date": "1831",
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            "title": "Collection Pix\u00e9r\u00e9court"
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            "item_count": 1,
            "sell_date": "1842",
            "title": "Collection Walpole"
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            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "item_count": 4,
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            "title": "RDA, N\u00b099 (Mai-Juillet 1886)",
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        "CAT_000103": {
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            "title": "RDA, N\u00b0100 (Octobre 1886)",
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            "title": "RDA, N\u00b0101 (Novembre 1886)",
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            "sell_date": "1886-12",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b0102 (D\u00e9cembre 1886)",
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            "total_price_c": 8106,
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            "title": "RDA, N\u00b0105 (Avril 1887)",
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            "cat_type": "RDA",
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            "mode_price_c": 5.1,
            "sell_date": "1887-06",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b0106 (Juin 1887)",
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            "variance_price_c": 1250.730443309314
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            "high_price_items_c": {
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            "mode_price_c": 15.3,
            "sell_date": "1887-09",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b0107 (Septembre 1887)",
            "total_price_c": 7388,
            "variance_price_c": 644.2296298004908
        "CAT_000111": {
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            "high_price_items_c": {
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            "mode_price_c": 20.4,
            "sell_date": "1887-10",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b0108 (Octobre 1887)",
            "total_price_c": 6699,
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        "CAT_000112": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "currency": "FRF",
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            "mode_price_c": 15.3,
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            "title": "RDA, N\u00b0109 (Novembre 1887)",
            "total_price_c": 5190,
            "variance_price_c": 755.0101000166543
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            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "currency": "FRF",
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            "mode_price_c": 6.12,
            "sell_date": "1887-12",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b0110 (D\u00e9cembre 1887)",
            "total_price_c": 4685,
            "variance_price_c": 271.4117074075968
        "CAT_000114": {
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            "sell_date": "1888-02",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b0111 (F\u00e9vrier 1888)",
            "total_price_c": 3807,
            "variance_price_c": 313.99640938679727
        "CAT_000115": {
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            "sell_date": "1888-03",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b0113 (Avril-mai 1887)",
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        "CAT_000116": {
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            "mode_price_c": 10.2,
            "sell_date": "1888-05",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b0112 (Mars 1887)",
            "total_price_c": 3384,
            "variance_price_c": 183.8333589659864
        "CAT_000117": {
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            "mode_price_c": 15.3,
            "sell_date": "1888-08",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b0114 (Ao\u00fbt 1888)",
            "total_price_c": 5392,
            "variance_price_c": 848.1537770146025
        "CAT_000118": {
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            "sell_date": "1888-10",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b0115 (Octobre 1888)",
            "total_price_c": 5064,
            "variance_price_c": 668.9928832181954
        "CAT_000119": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "currency": "FRF",
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            "sell_date": "1888-11",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b0116 (Novembre 1888)",
            "total_price_c": 5566,
            "variance_price_c": 726.816860301769
        "CAT_000120": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "currency": "FRF",
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            "mode_price_c": 20.4,
            "sell_date": "1888-12",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b0117 (D\u00e9cembre 1888)",
            "total_price_c": 7475,
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        "CAT_000121": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "currency": "FRF",
            "high_price_c": 229.5,
            "high_price_items_c": {
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            "sell_date": "1889-02",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b0118 (F\u00e9vrier 1889)",
            "total_price_c": 3936,
            "variance_price_c": 444.095002009894
        "CAT_000122": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
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            "mode_price_c": 15.3,
            "sell_date": "1889-03",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b0119 (Mars 1889)",
            "total_price_c": 5237,
            "variance_price_c": 978.7123912244365
        "CAT_000123": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
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            "median_price_c": 8.49,
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            "sell_date": "1889-04",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b0120 (Avril 1889)",
            "total_price_c": 4295,
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        "CAT_000124": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "currency": "FRF",
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            "mode_price_c": 15.3,
            "sell_date": "1889-05",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b0121 (Avril 1889)",
            "total_price_c": 5402,
            "variance_price_c": 369.65401511796983
        "CAT_000125": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "currency": "FRF",
            "high_price_c": 76.5,
            "high_price_items_c": {
                "CAT_000125_e172": 76.5,
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            "sell_date": "1889-10",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b0122 (Avril 1889)",
            "total_price_c": 3722,
            "variance_price_c": 114.41701683673469
        "CAT_000126": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
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            "high_price_c": 176.46,
            "high_price_items_c": {
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            "mode_price_c": 10.2,
            "sell_date": "1889-11",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b0123 (Novembre 1889)",
            "total_price_c": 4455,
            "variance_price_c": 357.52032771191136
        "CAT_000127": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "currency": "FRF",
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            "high_price_items_c": {
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            "sell_date": "1889-12",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b0124 (D\u00e9cembre 1889)",
            "total_price_c": 4538,
            "variance_price_c": 626.1108874772727
        "CAT_000128": {
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            "high_price_items_c": {
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            "title": "RDA, N\u00b0127 (Avril 1890)",
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            "cat_type": "RDA",
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            "title": "Vente Etienne Charavay, 15 f\u00e9vrier 1879"
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            "item_count": 180,
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            "title": "Vente Etienne Charavay, 24 mars 1879"
        "CAT_000164": {
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            "sell_date": "1879",
            "title": "Vente Etienne Charavay, 20 mai 1879"
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            "item_count": 281,
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            "title": "RDA, N\u00b0158 (Ao\u00fbt-Septembre 1893)"
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            "item_count": 410,
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            "title": "Vente Etienne Charavay, 13 et 14 juin 1879"
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            "sell_date": "1897",
            "title": "Vente No\u00ebl Charavay, 5 juin 1897"
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            "sell_date": "1879",
            "title": "Vente Etienne Charavay, 12 juillet 1879"
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            "mode_price_c": 10.1,
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            "title": "RDA, N\u00b0161 (D\u00e9cembre 1893)",
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            "title": "RDA, N\u00b0162 (Janvier 1894)",
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            "cat_type": "RDA",
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            "title": "RDA, N\u00b0169 (Ao\u00fbt-septembre 1894)",
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            "title": "RDA, N\u00b0199 (Juin 1897)",
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            "sell_date": "1897-07",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b0200 (Juillet 1897)",
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            "title": "RDA, N\u00b0201 (Ao\u00fbt 1897)",
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            "variance_price_c": 85.01642542597695
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            "item_count": 315,
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            "title": "RDA, N\u00b0202 (Septembre 1897)"
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            "mode_price_c": 9.9,
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            "title": "DA, N\u00b0214 (Septembre 1898)",
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            "title": "RDA, N\u00b0215 (Octobre 1898)",
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            "cat_type": "RDA",
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            "total_price_c": 3918,
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            "total_price_c": 5949,
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        "CAT_000421": {
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            "sell_date": "1899-02",
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            "sell_date": "1899-03",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b0220 (Mars 1899)",
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            "item_count": 277,
            "low_price_c": 2.0,
            "mean_price_c": 16.934782608695652,
            "median_price_c": 10.0,
            "mode_price_c": 10.0,
            "sell_date": "1899-05",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b0222 (Avril 1899)",
            "total_price_c": 4674,
            "variance_price_c": 631.1334278512918
        "CAT_000425": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "currency": "FRF",
            "high_price_c": 250.0,
            "high_price_items_c": {
                "CAT_000425_e77": 250.0
            "item_count": 266,
            "low_price_c": 3.0,
            "mean_price_c": 17.376923076923077,
            "median_price_c": 10.0,
            "mode_price_c": 10.0,
            "sell_date": "1899-06",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b0223 (Juin 1899)",
            "total_price_c": 4518,
            "variance_price_c": 635.0963905325444
        "CAT_000426": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "currency": "FRF",
            "high_price_c": 200.0,
            "high_price_items_c": {
                "CAT_000426_e142": 200.0
            "item_count": 277,
            "low_price_c": 3.0,
            "mean_price_c": 15.591078066914498,
            "median_price_c": 10.0,
            "mode_price_c": 10.0,
            "sell_date": "1899-07",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b0224 (juillet 1899)",
            "total_price_c": 4194,
            "variance_price_c": 356.6654966072885
        "CAT_000427": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "currency": "FRF",
            "high_price_c": 175.0,
            "high_price_items_c": {
                "CAT_000427_e290": 175.0
            "item_count": 291,
            "low_price_c": 3.0,
            "mean_price_c": 14.123674911660778,
            "median_price_c": 10.0,
            "mode_price_c": 10.0,
            "sell_date": "1899-08",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b0225 (Ao\u00fbt 1899)",
            "total_price_c": 3997,
            "variance_price_c": 279.6702168837169
        "CAT_000428": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "currency": "FRF",
            "high_price_c": 200.0,
            "high_price_items_c": {
                "CAT_000428_e270": 200.0
            "item_count": 293,
            "low_price_c": 3.0,
            "mean_price_c": 15.928571428571429,
            "median_price_c": 10.0,
            "mode_price_c": 10.0,
            "sell_date": "1899-09",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b0226 (Septembre 1899)",
            "total_price_c": 4571,
            "variance_price_c": 462.243155798905
        "CAT_000429": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "currency": "FRF",
            "high_price_c": 1000.0,
            "high_price_items_c": {
                "CAT_000429_e32": 1000.0
            "item_count": 279,
            "low_price_c": 3.0,
            "mean_price_c": 21.643382352941178,
            "median_price_c": 10.0,
            "mode_price_c": 10.0,
            "sell_date": "1899-10",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b0227 (Octobre 1899)",
            "total_price_c": 5887,
            "variance_price_c": 6401.413265030276
        "CAT_000430": {
            "cat_type": "RDA",
            "currency": "FRF",
            "high_price_c": 3000.0,
            "high_price_items_c": {
                "CAT_000430_e309": 3000.0
            "item_count": 311,
            "low_price_c": 3.0,
            "mean_price_c": 28.63915857605178,
            "median_price_c": 10.0,
            "mode_price_c": 10.0,
            "sell_date": "1899-12",
            "title": "RDA, N\u00b0229 (D\u00e9cembre 1899)",
            "total_price_c": 8849,
            "variance_price_c": 30094.915909971623

The xml response is similar, but uses tei elements and includes a more complete teiHeader.

            <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
        <title>KatAPI query results</title>
          <resp>File created automatically by KatAPI, an API developped as part of the</resp>
            <ref target="https://katabase.huma-num.fr/">MSS / Katabase project.</ref>
          <resp>Production of the source data:</resp>
          <orgName>Projet e-ditiones</orgName>
          <orgName> Manuscript SaleS Catalogue</orgName>
          <orgName>Université de Neuchâtel</orgName>
          <orgName>Université de Genève</orgName>
          <orgName>École normale Supérieure</orgName>
          <date type="file-creation-date" when-iso="2022-08-24T16:41:49.888578">2022-08-24T16:41:49.888578</date>
          <ref type="http-status-code" target="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/200">200</ref>
          <note>Original data made available under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)</note>
            <head>Query parameters</head>
              <cell role="key" xml:id="level">level</cell>
              <cell role="key" xml:id="id">id</cell>
              <cell role="key" xml:id="format">format</cell>
              <cell role="value" corresp="level">cat_stat</cell>
              <cell role="value" corresp="id">CAT_000362</cell>
              <cell role="value" corresp="format">tei</cell>
        <p>Sources may come from different documents. See the corresponding XML-TEI catalogues on 
          <ref target="https://github.com/katabase/Application/tree/main/APP/data">Github</ref>
          for detailed description of the sources.
        <taxonomy xml:id="cat_stat_keys">
          <desc>Description of the possible values for the <att>key</att> attribute in the body.</desc>
          <category xml:id="cat_stat_keys_sell_date">
            <catDesc>The year of the sale presented in the catalogue.</catDesc>
          <category xml:id="cat_stat_keys_title">
            <catDesc>The title of the catalogue, and, by extension, of the sale.</catDesc>
          <category xml:id="cat_stat_keys_cat_type">
            <catDesc>The type of catalogue (`LAC`|`RDA`|`AUC`|`OTH`).</catDesc>
          <category xml:id="cat_stat_keys_currency">
            <catDesc>The currency of the prices returned. `FRF` corresponds to french francs.</catDesc>
          <category xml:id="cat_stat_keys_high_price_c">
            <catDesc>The most expensive items in the catalogue, in constant 1900 francs.
              In the whole API, the `_c` suffix indicates that a price
              is expressed in constant 1900 francs.</catDesc>
          <category xml:id="cat_stat_keys_high_price_items_c">
            <catDesc>The most expensive items in the catalogue. Each item's
              `@xml:id` is associated to its price, in constant francs.</catDesc>
          <category xml:id="cat_stat_keys_item_count">
            <catDesc>The number of manuscripts for sale in the catalogue.</catDesc>
          <category xml:id="cat_stat_keys_low_price_c">
            <catDesc>The least expensive item's price, in constant 1900 francs.</catDesc>
          <category xml:id="cat_stat_keys_mean_price_c">
            <catDesc>The average price for a catalogue item, in constant 1900 francs.</catDesc>
          <category xml:id="cat_stat_keys_median_price_c">
            <catDesc>The median price for a catalogue item, in constant francs.</catDesc>
          <category xml:id="cat_stat_keys_mode_price_c">
            <catDesc>The mode price (the price that appears the most often in a catalogue)
              for an item, in constant francs.</catDesc>
          <category xml:id="cat_stat_keys_total_price_c">
            <catDesc>The sum of each item's price, in constant francs</catDesc>
          <category xml:id="cat_stat_keys_variance_price_c">
            <catDesc>The variance of the prices inside the catalogue.</catDesc>
      <div type="search-results">
          <head>Search results</head>
          <item ana="CAT_000362">
            <term key="title">Vente Jacques Charavay, août 1875, nº 185</term>
            <term key="cat_type">LAC</term>
            <term key="sell_date" type="date">1875</term>
            <term key="item_count">106</term>
            <term key="currency">FRF</term>
            <term key="total_price_c" type="constant-price">1039</term>
            <term key="low_price_c" type="constant-price">1.27</term>
            <term key="high_price_c" type="constant-price">102.0</term>
            <term key="mean_price_c" type="constant-price">9.810188679245282</term>
            <term key="median_price_c" type="constant-price">4.59</term>
            <term key="mode_price_c" type="constant-price">3.06</term>
            <term key="variance_price_c" type="constant-price">194.2879773228907</term>
            <term key="high_price_items_c" type="constant-price" ana="CAT_000362_e27096">102.0</term>

At item level

The response is ordered by catalogue entries. Each entry, identified by its @xml:id, is mapped to information about that entry. The meaning of this data is presented below:

Here's what a json response looks like:

    "head": {
        "encoding_desc": {
            "prefix_definition": {
                "wd:": "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/"
            "taxonomy_format": {
                "document_format_1": "In-folio",
                "document_format_101": "In-folio oblong",
                "document_format_102": "In-2\u00b0 oblong",
                "document_format_103": "In-3\u00b0 oblong",
                "document_format_104": "In-quarto oblong",
                "document_format_108": "In-octavo oblong",
                "document_format_112": "In-12 oblong",
                "document_format_116": "In-16 oblong",
                "document_format_118": "In-18 oblong",
                "document_format_12": "In-12",
                "document_format_132": "In-32 oblong",
                "document_format_140": "In-40 oblong",
                "document_format_148": "In-48 oblong",
                "document_format_16": "In-16",
                "document_format_164": "In-64 oblong",
                "document_format_18": "In-18",
                "document_format_2": "In-2\u00b0",
                "document_format_3": "In-3\u00b0",
                "document_format_32": "In-32",
                "document_format_4": "In-quarto",
                "document_format_40": "In-40",
                "document_format_48": "In-48",
                "document_format_64": "In-64",
                "document_format_8": "In-octavo"
            "taxonomy_term": {
                "document_term_1": "Apostille autographe sign\u00e9e | signed autograph apostilla",
                "document_term_10": "Brevet sign\u00e9 | signed certificate",
                "document_term_11": "Quittance autographe sign\u00e9e | signed ",
                "document_term_12": "Quittance sign\u00e9e | signed receipt",
                "document_term_13": "Manuscrit autographe | autograph manuscript",
                "document_term_14": "Chanson autographe | autograph song",
                "document_term_15": "Document (?) Autographe sign\u00e9 | signed autograph document (?)",
                "document_term_2": "Pi\u00e8ce autographe sign\u00e9e | signed autograph document",
                "document_term_3": "Pi\u00e8ce autographe | signed autograph",
                "document_term_4": "Pi\u00e8ce sign\u00e9e | signed document",
                "document_term_5": "Billet autographe sign\u00e9 | signed autograph short document",
                "document_term_6": "Billet sign\u00e9 | signed short document",
                "document_term_7": "Lettre autographe sign\u00e9e | signed autograph letter",
                "document_term_8": "Lettre autographe | autograph letter",
                "document_term_9": "Lettre sign\u00e9e | signed letter"
        "license": "Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)",
        "query": {
            "format": "json",
            "level": "item",
            "name": "s\u00e9vign\u00e9",
            "orig_date": "1500-1800",
            "sell_date": "1800-1900"
        "query_date": "2022-08-24T16:41:18.876602",
        "status_code": 200
    "results": {
        "CAT_000185_e608_d1": {
            "author": "S\u00e9vign\u00e9",
            "author_wikidata_id": null,
            "date": "1685",
            "desc": "\n                        L. aut. \u00e0 sa fille; mercredi 14 f\u00e9vrier (1685), 7 p. 1/2\n                        in-4\n                    ",
            "format": 4,
            "number_of_pages": 7.5,
            "price": null,
            "sell_date": "1881",
            "term": 8
        "CAT_000196_e179_d1": {
            "author": "S\u00c9VIGN\u00c9",
            "author_wikidata_id": null,
            "date": "1684",
            "desc": "\n                        L. aut. \u00e0 sa fille; Saumur, 18 septembre (1684), 3 p.\n                        in-4\n                    ",
            "format": 4,
            "number_of_pages": 3.0,
            "price": null,
            "sell_date": "1882",
            "term": 8
        "CAT_000273_e234_d1": {
            "author": "S\u00c9VIGN\u00c9",
            "author_wikidata_id": null,
            "date": "1695-08-09",
            "desc": "\n                        L. a. s. (\u00e0 Lamoignon); Nantes, 9 ao\u00fbt 1695, 3 p.\n                        in-4\n                    ",
            "format": 4,
            "number_of_pages": 3.0,
            "price": null,
            "sell_date": "1891",
            "term": 7

The xml-tei response looks like this:

            <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
        <title>KatAPI query results</title>
          <resp>File created automatically by KatAPI, an API developped as part of the</resp>
            <ref target="https://katabase.huma-num.fr/">MSS / Katabase project.</ref>
          <resp>Production of the source data:</resp>
          <orgName>Projet e-ditiones</orgName>
          <orgName> Manuscript SaleS Catalogue</orgName>
          <orgName>Université de Neuchâtel</orgName>
          <orgName>Université de Genève</orgName>
          <orgName>École normale Supérieure</orgName>
          <date type="file-creation-date" when-iso="2022-08-24T16:41:40.267860">2022-08-24T16:41:40.267860</date>
          <ref type="http-status-code" target="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/200">200</ref>
          <note>Original data made available under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)</note>
            <head>Query parameters</head>
              <cell role="key" xml:id="level">level</cell>
              <cell role="key" xml:id="id">id</cell>
              <cell role="key" xml:id="format">format</cell>
              <cell role="value" corresp="level">item</cell>
              <cell role="value" corresp="id">CAT_000204_e108_d1</cell>
              <cell role="value" corresp="format">tei</cell>
        <p>Sources may come from different documents. See the corresponding XML-TEI catalogues on 
          <ref target="https://github.com/katabase/Application/tree/main/APP/data">Github</ref>
          for detailed description of the sources.
        <prefixDef ident="wd" matchPattern="(Q[0-9]+)" replacementPattern="https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/$1">
        <taxonomy xml:id="document_format">
          <desc>Document format</desc>
          <category xml:id="document_format_1">
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          <category xml:id="document_format_48">
          <category xml:id="document_format_64">
          <category xml:id="document_format_101">
            <catDesc>In-folio oblong</catDesc>
          <category xml:id="document_format_102">
            <catDesc>In-2° oblong</catDesc>
          <category xml:id="document_format_103">
            <catDesc>In-3° oblong</catDesc>
          <category xml:id="document_format_104">
            <catDesc>In-quarto oblong</catDesc>
          <category xml:id="document_format_108">
            <catDesc>In-octavo oblong</catDesc>
          <category xml:id="document_format_112">
            <catDesc>In-12 oblong</catDesc>
          <category xml:id="document_format_116">
            <catDesc>In-16 oblong</catDesc>
          <category xml:id="document_format_118">
            <catDesc>In-18 oblong</catDesc>
          <category xml:id="document_format_132">
            <catDesc>In-32 oblong</catDesc>
          <category xml:id="document_format_140">
            <catDesc>In-40 oblong</catDesc>
          <category xml:id="document_format_148">
            <catDesc>In-48 oblong</catDesc>
          <category xml:id="document_format_164">
            <catDesc>In-64 oblong</catDesc>
        <taxonomy xml:id="document_term">
          <desc>Document types</desc>
          <category xml:id="document_term_1">
            <catDesc>Apostille autographe signée | signed autograph apostilla</catDesc>
          <category xml:id="document_term_2">
            <catDesc>Pièce autographe signée | signed autograph document</catDesc>
          <category xml:id="document_term_3">
            <catDesc>Pièce autographe | autograph document</catDesc>
          <category xml:id="document_term_4">
            <catDesc>Pièce signée | signed document</catDesc>
          <category xml:id="document_term_5">
            <catDesc>Billet autographe signé | signed autograph short document</catDesc>
          <category xml:id="document_term_6">
            <catDesc>Billet signé | signed short document</catDesc>
          <category xml:id="document_term_7">
            <catDesc>Lettre autographe signée | signed autograph letter</catDesc>
          <category xml:id="document_term_8">
            <catDesc>Lettre autographe | autograph letter</catDesc>
          <category xml:id="document_term_9">
            <catDesc>Lettre signée | signed letter</catDesc>
          <category xml:id="document_term_10">
            <catDesc>Brevet signé | signed certificate</catDesc>
          <category xml:id="document_term_11">
            <catDesc>Quittance autographe signée | signed autograph receipt</catDesc>
          <category xml:id="document_term_12">
            <catDesc>Quittance signée | signed receipt</catDesc>
          <category xml:id="document_term_13">
            <catDesc>Manuscrit autographe | autograph manuscript</catDesc>
          <category xml:id="document_term_14">
            <catDesc>Chanson autographe | autograph song</catDesc>
          <category xml:id="document_term_15">
            <catDesc>Document (?) Autographe signé | signed autograph document (?)</catDesc>
      <div type="search-results">
        <list><head>Search results</head><item n="108" xml:id="CAT_000204_e108">
          <num type="lot">108</num>
          <name type="author" ref="wd:Q255">BEETHOVEN (L. van)</name>
            <p>le grand compositeur de musique.</p>
          <desc xml:id="CAT_000204_e108_d1">
            <term ana="#document_type_9">L. s.</term> à M. M. Schlesinger, à Berlin; Vienne, <date when="1820-05-31">31 mai 1820</date>, <measure type="length" unit="p" n="2">2 p.</measure>
            <measure type="format" unit="f" ana="#document_format_4">in-4</measure>, cachet</desc>
          <note>Curieuse lettre sur ses ouvrages. Il leur accorde le droit de vendre ses compositions en Angleterre, y compris les airs écossais, aux conditions indiquées par lui. Il s'engage à leur livrer dans trois mois trois sonates pour le prix de 90 florins qu'ils ont fixé. C'est pour leur être agréable qu'il accepte un si petit honoraire. « Je suis habitué à faire des sacrifices, la composition de mes OEuvres n'étant pas faite seulement au point de vue du rapport des honoraires, mais surtout dans l'intention d'en tirer quelque chose de bon pour l'art.»</note>

Error message formats

In both xml and json formats, a complete error log is contained in the response's body (results key in the json, body tag in the xml), while the status code is in the header (head key in the json, teiHeader tag in the xml). A json error response will look like this:

    "head": {
        "license": "Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)",
        "query": {
            "api": "Durga Mahishasuraparini",
            "format": "json",
            "id": "CAT_0001_e0001_d0001",
            "name": "Guyan Yin",
            "sell_date": "200000"
        "query_date": "2022-08-24T16:41:16.339770",
        "status_code": 422
    "results": {
        "__error_type__": "Invalid parameters or parameters combination",
        "error_description": {
            "format": "The format must match: (tei|json)",
            "id_incompatible_params": "Invalid parameters with parameter id: ['sell_date']",
            "name+id": "You cannot provide both a name and an id",
            "sell_date": "The format must match: \\d{4}(-\\d{4})?",
            "unallowed_params": "Unallowed parameters for the API: ['api']"

An xml-tei response will look similar to this:

            <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
        <title>KatAPI query results</title>
          <resp>File created automatically by KatAPI, an API developped as part of the</resp>
            <ref target="https://katabase.huma-num.fr/">MSS / Katabase project.</ref>
          <resp>Production of the source data:</resp>
          <orgName>Projet e-ditiones</orgName>
          <orgName> Manuscript SaleS Catalogue</orgName>
          <orgName>Université de Neuchâtel</orgName>
          <orgName>Université de Genève</orgName>
          <orgName>École normale Supérieure</orgName>
          <date type="file-creation-date" when-iso="2022-08-24T16:41:16.346735">2022-08-24T16:41:16.346735</date>
          <ref type="http-status-code" target="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/422">422</ref>
          <note>Original data made available under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)</note>
            <head>Query parameters</head>
              <cell role="key" xml:id="format">format</cell>
              <cell role="key" xml:id="sell_date">sell_date</cell>
              <cell role="value" corresp="format">tei</cell>
              <cell role="value" corresp="sell_date">2000?5000</cell>
        <p>Sources may come from different documents. See the corresponding XML-TEI catalogues on 
          <ref target="https://github.com/katabase/Application/tree/main/APP/data">Github</ref>
          for detailed description of the sources.
      <div type="error-message">
          <head>Invalid parameters or parameters combination</head>
          <item ana="no_name+id">
            <desc>You must specify at least a name or an id</desc>
          <item ana="sell_date" corresp="sell_date">
            <desc>The format must match: \d{4}(-\d{4})?</desc>


To get started, here are some URL examples and their meaning: